It's the colorscheme we set that defines us. βΒ (Batman)
Gotham is a very dark vim colorscheme. It works on GUI vim (MacVim or gVim) and on terminal vim. For terminal vim, there's support for a lot of terminal emulators in the gotham-contrib repository.
I moved to vim-plug a while ago and never looked back. Anyway, you can install Gotham with whatever package manager you use. For example:
" vim-plug
Plug 'whatyouhide/vim-gotham'
" NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'whatyouhide/vim-gotham'
" Vundle
Plugin 'whatyouhide/vim-gotham'
" dein.vim
call dein#add('whatyouhide/vim-gotham')
If you don't use a plugin manager just copy the content of vim/colors/
When you have the plugin installed, you can set it in your vimrc
colorscheme gotham
If you want to use Gotham in terminal vim, you should consider setting Gotham as the colorscheme of your terminal emulator too. See the relevant section.
If you're fine with not-so-faithful colors, a 256 colors version of Gotham is
available. To use it, just replace gotham
with gotham256
in your vimrc
colorscheme gotham256
Using gotham256
(given that your terminal supports 256 colors) ensures that
the colors in vim are fixed and don't depend on the colorscheme of the terminal
Please, use the 256 colors version only if you know what you're doing since it looks "rougher" than the regular version.
Gotham supports vim-airline out of the box. When you use the
Gotham colorscheme, Airline should be able to pick it up and use it. If you want
to set it manually, you can use the AirlineTheme
command for both the regular
version and the 256 colors version:
:AirlineTheme gotham
:AirlineTheme gotham256
Gotham by default emphasises the usage of insert mode by using a distinctive bright yellow color in the airline mode segment. To change the color used for insert mode to a darker less emphasised color add the following to your vimrc:
let g:gotham_airline_emphasised_insert = 0
Gotham supports lightline.vim too. To enable the colorscheme,
add one of the following lines to your .vimrc
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'gotham' }
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'gotham256' }
Gotham is available for other platforms too. If you want terminal vim to look as good as GUI vim, you have to install the Gotham colorscheme for your terminal emulator too.
An up-to-date list of supported platforms as well as installation instructions for each of those platforms are available at the gotham-contrib repository.
There's an Emacs version too, but I don't maintain it.
Color Base | Hex | Other Colors | Hex |
Base 0 | #0c1014 |
Red | #c23127 |
Base 1 | #11151c |
Orange | #d26937 |
Base 2 | #091f2e |
Yellow | #edb443 |
Base 3 | #0a3749 |
Magenta | #888ca6 |
Base 4 | #245361 |
Violet | #4e5166 |
Base 5 | #599cab |
Blue | #195466 |
Base 6 | #99d1ce |
Cyan | #33859E |
Base 7 | #d3ebe9 |
Green | #2aa889 |
All forms of contribution are welcome: bug reports, bug fixes, pull requests and simple suggestions. Thanks!
You can find the list of contributors here.
MIT Β© 2014 Andrea Leopardi, see the license.