- Policy (update in progress)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Join the Universal Navigation Yammer Group to discuss and give feedback.
- Subscribe to the group by email so that updates are delivered to you automatically.
- During the BETA comment period, feedback and questions can be contributed through
- Feedback Spreadsheet
- Feedback Screenshots and notes
- Request access through the Office 365 interface after clicking link.
- Review the existing issues to ensure that you are not creating duplicates.
- Some issues from the ALPHA version feedback (also in spreadsheet) may still be pending.
- Use a development site or run a local version for the beta period. This is not the final version.
- Test for desktop and mobile on various browsers (Tool for testing multiple devices)
- Test for any specific needs of the site (accessibility, script conflicts)
- Take screenshots and reference in feedback
- Share your implementation strategy in Yammer (assume bugs will be fixed)
- Thank you for participating!
### Questions - Please post questions to the [Yammer Group](http://goo.gl/RRlnFV) for the mutual benefit of all - If necessary, questions can be emailed to innovate@its.ny.gov