I know you started with Genne Gothic as a base, but unfortunately I do not believe that the font has the full Kangxi glyphs. I also want to upstream some changes from SHS v2.001. Even though it is for 源樣黑體, the table also have Source Han Sans CID.
The 牙 radical has to follow that of 源樣黑體, not the KR form. I don't have the time to find the Unicode number and CID number for Source Han Sans.
Affected characters: "牙冴訝呀邪鴉雅芽穿". You need to dig into the hidden glyphs of Source Han Sans in order to get those glyphs.
The characters with 呈 need to be changed also. Affected characters are "呈程浧珵桯鋥聖檉".
Use the TW form: "呈程聖"
Use the JP form: "浧珵桯鋥檉"
Also the 青/靑, 清/淸, need to unify to the latter. Same with U+7BC0 節; need to use U+FA56 (Update: It's at SHS v2 CID: 58950) for the main codepoint. Details here: #22
More characters I want to switch here, should apply to this font also:
Add the U+32FF ㋿ SQUARE ERA NAME REIWA from Source Han Sans v2.001 as well.