Weighted Automata Extraction and Explanation of Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Tasks
Conference Paper (ICFEM 2022):
Extracting Weighted Finite Automata from Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Languages
Authors: Zeming Wei, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun
Extended Version as Journal Paper (Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming):
Weighted Automata Extraction and Explanation of Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Tasks
Authors: Zeming Wei, Xiyue Zhang, Yihao Zhang, Meng Sun
- 2022.06 Paper Accepted by 23rd International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2022).
- 2022.10 Paper oral presented by Zeming Wei at ICFEM 2022, slide available at here
- 2022.12 Paper selected for the ICFEM 2022 special issue in the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
- 2023.06 Preprint of the extended version is available at arxiv.
- 2023.08 Extended paper accepted by Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.
title={Extracting weighted finite automata from recurrent neural networks for natural languages},
author={Wei, Zeming and Zhang, Xiyue and Sun, Meng},
booktitle={International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods},
title={Weighted automata extraction and explanation of recurrent neural networks for natural language tasks},
author={Wei, Zeming and Zhang, Xiyue and Zhang, Yihao and Sun, Meng},
journal={Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming},