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Template repo encapsulating best engineering practices and DevOps using GitHub Actions for the development of a LUIS application.
The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
Google's Engineering Practices documentation
Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET
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The comprehensive .NET Developer Roadmap by seniority level.
Enhanced Rollouts features for application automation.
Near-zero config .NET library that makes advanced application features like Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Event Broadcasting, and more a breeze!
High performance C# implementation of the Snappy compression algorithm
A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications.
Testing library for creating Expected Objects.
Castle Core, including Castle DynamicProxy, Logging Services and DictionaryAdapter
The C# port of ANTLR 3, StringTemplate 3, and StringTemplate 4
SharpCompress is a fully managed C# library to deal with many compression types and formats.
.NET managed sockets wrapper using the new "Pipelines" API
Automated job scheduler with fluent interface for the .NET platform.