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Simplify management of documentation of default configuration #307




The ./config/config.default.js should contain the documentation as well as the default values.

Suggestion is to augment the json structure with metadata such as doc, type, category, value etc. When requiring the file as a config - the structure should be transformed back into the regular config format.

Depending on the category the config variables would be listed from "default", "advanced", "cli".

Example of how the format could look like:

    config = {
        addOn: {
            doc: "AddOn are stateful server workers listening in on changes made to a branch",
            type: "container",
            category: "default",
            enable: {
                doc: "If true enables add-ons",
                value: false
            monitorTimeout: {
                category: "advanced",
                doc: "In milliseconds, the waiting time before add-ons are stopped after no activity (new clients joined or hash updates) in the branch.",
                displayValue: '2 * 60 * 1000',
                value: 2 * 60 * 1000,
            workerUrl: {
                category: "advanced",
                doc: "If given the webgme server will not spawn a child process for running add-ons and instead post the related events to the url. Use addon_handler.js for a machine handling such requests.",
                value: null
            basePaths: {
                category: "cli",
                doc: "Array of paths to custom add-ons. If you have an add-on at `C:/SomeAddOns/MyAddOn/MyAddOn.js` the path to append would be `C:/SomeAddOns` or a relative path (from the current working directory). N.B. this will also expose any other add-on in that directory, e.g. `C:/SomeAddOns/MyOtherAddOn/MyOtherAddOn.js`.",
                type: "array",
                displayValue: "[path.join(__dirname, '../src/addon/core')]",
                value: [path.join(__dirname, '../src/addon/core')]




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