Hello, here is the Application, that can help you to find beautiful artwork. Written on the Vanilla Js.
Also there are some key functionallity of this App.
There is search Art panel in the header of the page. You can choose the way of sorting information and type of art that you are interested in. For example, you can try 'self' word, it will find arts with the self word included like Self -portrait etc.
You can see more detailed info about art by clicking on it.
Also, the are pagination that works also on the BE. And you can choose the quantity of the tiles like in shown in the GIF down below.
By clicking on the More info, App generates a page of this Art, adding more descriptions about this work.
On this page, you can click on the name of the creator and that will get you all works of this author, or dependencies with him.
If you like this Art you can just click 'Like' and id of this work will add to the liked list, that you can see in the like tab.
You can't add twice the art tile, if it already exists in your likes list, it will change textContent of 'Like' to 'Already Liked'.
There is the like tab, where stored cards with id's of your favorites artworks. You can click on each of them and will provide your liked card from the server.
And that's it, you can the same that you do in the previous steps.