Sakai Automator uses Playwright Python to automate Sakai - for testing or other purposes. The project has two folder 'twothree' (for 23 related stuff) and 'twofour' (covers 24/25 (the most recent trunks)).
Install pre-reqs from requirements.txt, then run the following from the root:
"pytest twofour/" - this will create user accounts. This will do the following:
- Read a CSV - will treat the first user in the CSV as the instructor and the rest as students.
- Login as admin, upload the CSV, and create the users in your CSV then log out
- Login then as the instructor, create a course site (name specificed in COURSE_NAME under test_setup)
- After creating the course site, it will add all of the students as users.
- Log out.
"pytest twofour/assignments/" - this will run the interactions as outlined in the "basic functional tests" sheet for the assignment tool as outlined in this test script:
A users.csv is included, also a docx file to handle file uploading related scenarios.