集成ChatGPT和New Bing到微信,提供New Bing聊天小程序,额外集成了Google Bard和文心一言
📦 一个快速搭建 Web 应用的模版!前端使用渐进式框架 Vue,后端使用微框架 Flask
The Python micro framework for building web applications.
text2vec, text to vector. 文本向量表征工具,把文本转化为向量矩阵,实现了Word2Vec、RankBM25、Sentence-BERT、CoSENT等文本表征、文本相似度计算模型,开箱即用。
Rasa UI is a frontend for the Rasa Framework
Turn Chinese natural language into structured data 中文自然语言理解
💬 RasaGPT is the first headless LLM chatbot platform built on top of Rasa and Langchain. Built w/ Rasa, FastAPI, Langchain, LlamaIndex, SQLModel, pgvector, ngrok, telegram
A visual form designer/generator base on Vue.js, make form development simple and efficient.(基于Vue的可视化表单设计器,让表单开发简单而高效。)
Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
Web app for drag drop building bootstrap forms.