A .NET Tool for generating changelog based on .NET project dependencies, particularly useful for mono repos.
This project is WIP.
-r, --repo-dir Required. Repo directory (default to current working directory)
-p, --project Required. Project for Changelog (e.g. App.csproj)
-f, --from Required. Starting git tag for Changelog
-t, --to Required. Ending git tag for Changelog
-c, --change-log-mode Type of changelog to generate, Direct/Continuous (default to Direct)
-x, --tag-regex Regex pattern used to filter tags for target project (only used in Continuous changelog mode)
-e, --exclude Excluded projects pattern (dotnet Regular Expression that will be matched against each Project's Full Path, e.g. ".Tests.")
-o, --output-dir Changelog output directory relative to repo root (default to repo root directory)
-m, --output-format Changelog output format (Console/Text/Json/Markdown, default to Console)
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.