This code is an implementation of Baileys.
Use this script wisely, use your head in utilizing existing technology
Jangan diperjualbelikan dalam keadaan masih original hisoka. minimal tambah 5-8 command dulu.
Jangan lupa terimakasih sama admin, kasih star nya 😁
Butuh saran solusi bisa chat ke wea atau ke tele, kalo lama bales/ga dibales bukannya seleb tapi emang ada kesibukan sendiri.
- Git
Click here
- NodeJS
Click here
- FFmpeg
Click here
- Speedtest by Okla
Add to PATH environment variable
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install nodejs git ffmpeg wget curl zip -y
curl -s | sudo bash && apt install speedtest -y
curl -o- | bash
wget -qO- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt --fix-broken install -y
After finishing, restart the terminal to load the new information.
nvm install node
npm i -g pm2
node --version
Cloning the Repository
git clone
Go to the project directory and install all dependencies.
cd hisoka-baileys
npm i
Finally, run the command below to start :
# non pm2
npm start
# with pm2
npm run dev
or type your number in here
node index.js --pairing-code
node index.js --mobile
This code is in no way affiliated with WhatsApp. Use at your own discretion. Don't spam this.
This code was produced based on the baileys library and it is still under development.
For Login Mobile API
- Not recommended for use, can cause a ban if you are logged in
- tidak direkomendasikan untuk digunakan, bisa menyebabkan banned jika sudah login