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boazsegev committed Aug 23, 2023
1 parent 169c9c8 commit c5719a4
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions examples/bates/
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# Bates numbering with CombinePDF and Rack

This folder holds a demo application combining Iodine's `X-Sendfile` support with the [`combine_pdf` gem]( to create a "bates numbering" tool that is common to the one used by some court systems (such as Israeli courts).
342 changes: 342 additions & 0 deletions examples/bates/
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@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
require 'combine_pdf'
require 'rack'
require 'base64'
# require_relative 'pdf_controller'

module BatesAPP
# This is the HTTP response object according to the Rack specification.
STATIC_RESPONSE = [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'X-Sendfile' => File.expand_path('./public/index.html') }.freeze, []].freeze
WS_RESPONSE = [403, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, "Forbidden"]

# this is function will be called by the Rack server (iodine) for every request.
def env
req =
# check if this is an upgrade request (WebsSocket / SSE).
return WS_RESPONSE if(env['rack.upgrade?'.freeze])
# simply return the RESPONSE object, no matter what request was received.
return STATIC_RESPONSE if req.params.empty?
return bates(req.params)

def self.bates(params)
params['file'] = params['file'].values # convert to Array
# catch any exception and tell the user which PDF caused the exception.
# set the file_name variable
# this will be used in case an exception is caught
# to state which file caused the exception.
file_name = ''

# container for the complete pdf
# the complete pdf container will hold all
# the merged pdf data.
completed_pdf =

# get the output file name
# this will be used to name the download for the client's browser
output_name = params['bates']['output'].to_s + '.pdf'
output_name = "unknown.pdf" if output_name == '.pdf'

# get some paramaters that will be used while combining pages
params['bates'] ||= {}
first_page_number = params['bates']['first_page_number'].to_i
first_index_number = params['bates']['first_index_number'].to_i

# we will add an option for the stamping to ignore the first pdf
# this is useful for the court cases that use bates numbering
# (the "cover PDF" will be the briefs of submissions that contain exhibits to be bates stamped)
ignore_first_file = params['bates']['first_pdf_is_cover']
first_page = nil

# we will pick some data up while running combining the different pdf files.
# this will be used for the table of contents later on.
pdfs_pages_count = []
pdf_dates = []
pdf_titles = []

# we will be creating title pages before each PDF file.
# the title pages will be sized using the mediabox variable
# wich will be set with the dimentions of each pdf file's first page.
mediabox = nil

# register UNICODE fonts if necessary
# in this example I will register the Hebrew font David from an existing PDF file.
unless CombinePDF::Fonts.get_font :my_new_david
# if your running Rails, consider Rails.root instead of Root
fonts ='./david+bold.pdf').to_s).fonts(true)
# I know the first font is David regular, after using the
# ruby console and looking at the fonts array for the file.
CombinePDF.register_font_from_pdf_object :my_new_david, fonts[0]
# the second font of the array was the latin font for a newline and space... useless
# the third was the david bold. I will now add that font.
CombinePDF.register_font_from_pdf_object :my_new_david_bold, fonts[2]

# iterate through the different files sent from the client's browser's web form
params['file'].each do |v|
# set the file_name variable in case an exception will be raised
file_name = v['name']

# parse the pdf data
# we will use the CombinePDF.parse method which allows us
# to parse data without saving the PDF to the file system.
# our javascript encoded the file data using base64, which we will need to decode.
# (this is specific to my form which uses the HTML5 File API in this specific manner)
# begin
puts "parsing file: #{file_name}"
pdf_file = CombinePDF.parse(
# rescue
# puts "Failed when parsing #{file_name} with data:\n#{v['data'].inspect}"
# raise
# end

# we will use the pages array a few times, so in order to avoid
# recomputing the array every time, we will save it to a local variable.
pdf_file_pages = pdf_file.pages

# we will add the page count to the page count array,
# used by the table of contents
pdfs_pages_count << pdf_file_pages.length

# create and add title page to arrays.

if ignore_first_file && first_page.nil?
# if the first PDF file is a "cover page" PDF,
# we will not add a title, nor add the file.
# instead we will save the data in a variable to add it after we're done
pdf_dates << ''
pdf_titles << ''
first_page = pdf_file
# set title page mediabox size
# the mediabox data (page size) is contained in the page's
# :CropBox or :MediaBox keys (pages are Hash objects).
mediabox ||= pdf_file_pages[0][:CropBox] || pdf_file_pages[0][:MediaBox]

# create a title page unless we're only merging or there is no indexing
if params['bates']['should_index'] && params['bates']['numbering'] != 3

# create an empty page object
title_page = CombinePDF.create_page mediabox

# write the content to the title page.
# we will be using the I18n.t shortcut to write some of the data.
# the rest of the data, like the title, we got from the form.
title_page.textbox("#{params['bates']['title_type']} #{pdfs_pages_count.length + first_index_number - (ignore_first_file ? 2 : 1)}",
max_font_size: 34,
font: :my_new_david,
y: (mediabox[3] - mediabox[1]) / 2) unless params['bates']['title_type'].to_s.empty?
title_page.textbox v['title'].to_s, max_font_size: 36, font: :my_new_david_bold
title_page.textbox v['date'].to_s, max_font_size: 24, font: :my_new_david, height: (mediabox[3] - mediabox[1]) / 2

# we will add the page object to the completed pdf object.
# notice that page objects are created as "floating" pages,
# not attached to any specific PDF file/object.
completed_pdf << title_page

# we will add some data that will be used to create the
# table of contents at a later stage.
page_count = pdfs_pages_count.pop + 1
pdfs_pages_count << page_count
pdf_dates << v['date'].to_s
pdf_titles << v['title'].to_s

# now we are ready to add the pdf file data to the completed pdf object.
# there is no need to add each page, we can add the pdf as a whole.
# (it's actually faster, as the PDF page catalog isn't recomputed for each page)
completed_pdf << pdf_file

# create the index pdf...
# ...unless we're only merging or there is no indexing
if params['bates']['should_index'] && params['bates']['numbering'].to_i != 3

# set the fonts and formatting for the table of contents.
# also, add an empty array for the table data.
# the table data array will contain arrays of String objects, each one
# corresponding to a row in the table.
table_options = { font: :my_new_david,
header_font: :my_new_david_bold,
max_font_size: 12,
column_widths: (params['bates']['date_header'].to_s.empty? ? [3, 40, 4] : [3, 10, 30, 4]),
table_data: [] }

# set the table header array.
# this is an array of strings.
# to chose the localized strings
table_options[:headers] = [params['bates']['number_header'],
(params['bates']['date_header'].to_s.empty? ? nil : params['bates']['date_header']),

# by default, there are 25 rows per page for table pdf created by CombinePDF
# we can override this in the formatting (but we didn't).
# the 25 rows include 1 header row per page - so there are only 24 effective rows.
# we will calculate how many pages the table of contents pdf will have once completes,
# so we can add the count to the page numbers in the index.
index_page_length = pdfs_pages_count.length / 24
index_page_length += 1 if pdfs_pages_count.length % 24 > 0

# set the page number for the first entry in the table of contents.
page_number = first_page_number + index_page_length

# set the index count to 0, we will use it to change the index for each entry.
# we need a different variable in case the first PDF file is a "cover page".
index_count = 0

# iterate over the data we collected before and add it to the table data.
pdfs_pages_count.each_index do |i|
# add the data unless it is set to be ignored
unless ignore_first_file

# add an array of strings to the :table_data array,
# representing a row in our table.
# remember there might not be a date column.
if params['bates']['date_header'].to_s.empty?
table_options[:table_data] << [(first_index_number + index_count).to_s,
pdf_titles[i], page_number]
table_options[:table_data] << [(first_index_number + index_count).to_s,
pdf_titles[i], page_number]

# if the data was added to the index table, bump the index count
index_count += 1


# make sure future data will not be ignored
ignore_first_file = false

# add the page count to the page number, so that the next
# index's page number is up to date.
page_number += pdfs_pages_count[i]

# if out current locale is hebrew, which is a right to left language,
# set the direction for the table to Right-To-left (:rtl).
# notice that RTL text should be automatically recognized, but that
# feature isn't available (and shouldn't be available) for tables.
table_options[:direction] = :rtl if params['bates']['dir'] == 'rtl'

# if there is table data, we will create an index pdf.
unless table_options[:table_data].empty?

# create the index PDF from the table data and options we have.
index_pdf = CombinePDF.create_table table_options

# We will now add the words "Table of Contents" (or the I18n equivilant)
# to the first page of our new index_pdf PDF object.
# the table PDF object was created by CombinePDF using writable PDF pages,
# so we have properties like .mediabox and methods like .textbox
# at our disposal.

# get the first page of the index_pdf object, we will use this reference a lot.
title_page = index_pdf.pages[0]

# write the textbox, using the mediabox page data [x,y,width,height] to place
# the text we want to write.
# we will use the I18n.t shortcut to choose the text to write down.
title_page.textbox params['bates']['index_title'],
y: ((title_page.mediabox[3] - title_page.mediabox[1]) * 0.91),
height: ((title_page.mediabox[3] - title_page.mediabox[1]) * 0.03),
font: :my_new_david,
max_font_size: 36,
text_valign: :bottom

# now we will add the index_pdf to the BEGINING of the completed pdf.
# for this we will use the >> operator instead of the << operator.
completed_pdf >> index_pdf



# add first file if it was skipped
completed_pdf >> first_page unless first_page.nil?

# number pages
# unless no numbering
if params['bates']['numbering'].to_i != 3
# list the numbering options
numbering_options = [[:top, :bottom], [:top_left, :bottom_left], [:top_right, :bottom_right]]

# set the first visible page number to the page where numbering starts
# this assumes that the bates numbering include the numbering of the "cover page",
# yet at the same time the numbering isn't visible on the "cover page"
first_page_number += pdfs_pages_count[0] if params['bates']['first_pdf_is_cover'] && params['bates']['skip_cover']

# call the page numbering method and
# add the special properties we want for the textbox
completed_pdf.number_pages(start_at: first_page_number,
page_range: params['bates']['skip_cover'] ? (pdfs_pages_count[0].to_i..-1) : nil,
font_name: :my_new_david,
font_size: 14,
font_color: [0, 0, 0.4],
box_color: [0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
border_width: 1,
border_color: [0.3, 0.3, 0.3],
box_radius: 8,
number_location: numbering_options[params['bates']['numbering'].to_i],
opacity: 0.75)

# send the completed PDF to the client.
# if the completed PDF is empty, raise an error.
if completed_pdf.pages.empty?
# inform the client there was an unknown error.
response = STATIC_RESPONSE.dup
response[1] = response[1].dup
response[1]['set-cookie'] = "Unknown error - 0 pages."
return response

# make sure the PDF version is high enough for the opacity we used in the page numbering.
completed_pdf.version = [completed_pdf.version, 1.6].max

# we will format the PDF to a pdf file WITHOUT saving it to the file system,
# using the .to_pdf method (instead of the .save method).
# we will send the raw PDF data stream.
return [200, {'content-type' => "application/pdf",
'content-disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{output_name}\""}, completed_pdf.to_pdf]

rescue Exception => e
puts e.message, e.backtrace
puts "The file causing the exception is: #{file_name}"
# if an exception was raised, tell the user which PDF caused the exception
response = STATIC_RESPONSE.dup
response[1] = response[1].dup
response[1]['set-cookie'] = "notice=Unsupported or error reading file: #{file_name}"
return response

Iodine.workers = 1
Iodine.threads = 5
Iodine::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:public] ||= './public'

Iodine::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:max_body] = 70 if Iodine::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:max_body].to_i < 5

run BatesAPP
Binary file added examples/bates/david+bold.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/bates/public/drop-pdf.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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