{{pl-uploader}} is an ember component that provides an API for Plupload. Uploads are persistent accross routes in your application (they continue in the background).
To use the uploader, you must provide a name (for proper queueing and bundling of resources), and an upload URL.
The {{pl-uploader}}
component exposes a variety of parameters for configuring plupload:
Attribute | Definition |
when-queued |
the name of the action on a route to be called when a file is queued to be uploaded |
action |
the URL to send the upload request to |
for |
the ID of the browse button |
max-file-size |
the maximum size of file uploads |
no-duplicates |
disallow duplicate files (determined by matching the file's name and size) |
extensions |
a space-separated list of allowed file extensions |
headers |
the headers to use when uploading the file. it defaults to using the accept attribute |
accept |
a space-separated list of accepted content types that the server can respond with. defaults to application/json text/javascript |
send-file-as |
how the file should be sent. defaults to multipart/form-data ; binary is the other option |
multipart-params |
multipart params to send along with the upload |
max-retries |
the maximum number of times to retry uploading the file |
chunk-size |
the chunk size to split the file into when sending to the server |
multiple |
whether multiple files can be selected |
unique-names |
when set to true , this will rename files sent to the server and send the original name as a parameter named name |
runtimes |
a space-separated list of runtimes for plupload to attempt to use (in order of importance) |
file-key |
the name of the parameter to send the file as. defaults to file |
For more in-depth documentation on the configuration options, see the Plupload documentation.
The cleanest approach to configure uploaders is to create a component that encapsulates the configuration on the uploader component. Using the uploader as a container, you can provide a clean API for an uploader.
For example, creating an image uploader that uploads images to your API server would look like:
If your application doesn't use an assets folder, or serves assets from a different domain, you will need to add a PLUPLOAD_BASE_URL to your configuration file.
The addon emits an event when a file is queued for upload. You may trigger the upload by calling the upload
function on the file, which returns a promise that is resolved when the file has finished uploading and is rejected if the file couldn't be uploaded.
import Ember from "ember";
const get = Ember.get;
const set = Ember.set;
export default Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
uploadImage: function (file) {
var product = this.modelFor('product');
var image = this.store.createRecord('image', {
product: product,
filename: get(file, 'name'),
filesize: get(file, 'size')
file.upload().then(function (response) {
set(image, 'url', response.headers.Location);
return image.save();
}, function () {
File filters are supported using a promise based API on top of Plupload.
Begin by generating a new filter:
ember generate file-filter max-image-resolution
Which will generate a new file filter in your application. Call resolve
if the file is valid, and reject
with an error code and human readable reason if it's not.
For the max-image-resolution
filter, the following code will create the correct filter:
import Ember from "ember";
const RSVP = Ember.RSVP;
export default function (maxImageResolution, file, resolve, reject) {
var image = new Image();
var deferred = RSVP.defer();
image.onload = deferred.resolve;
image.onerror = deferred.reject;
deferred.promise.then(function () {
if (image.width * image.height < maxImageResolution) {
throw "Image failed to load";
}).then(resolve, function () {
`Resolution exceeds the allowed limit of ${maxImageResolution} pixels.`
}).finally(function () {
ember install:addon ember-plupload
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.