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LuaApi/: updating demo and draw capabilities for keypoints
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pdollar committed Jul 18, 2016
1 parent f6f2551 commit 2934299
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Showing 3 changed files with 58 additions and 18 deletions.
26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions LuaAPI/CocoApi.lua
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Expand Up @@ -225,19 +225,29 @@ end

function CocoApi:showAnns( img, anns )
local n, h, w = #anns, img:size(2), img:size(3)
local MaskApi, clrs = coco.MaskApi, torch.rand(n,3)*.6+.4
local O = img:clone():contiguous():float()
if n==0 then anns,n={anns},1 end
if anns[1].keypoints then for i=1,n do if anns[i].iscrowd==0 then
local sk, kp, j, k = self:loadCats(anns[i].category_id)[1].skeleton
kp=anns[i].keypoints; k=kp:size(1); j=torch.range(1,k,3):long(); k=k/3;
local x,y,v = kp:index(1,j), kp:index(1,j+1), kp:index(1,j+2)
for _,s in pairs(sk) do if v[s[1]]>0 and v[s[2]]>0 then
end end
for j=1,k do if v[j]==1 then MaskApi.drawCirc(O,x[j],y[j],4,{0,0,0}) end end
for j=1,k do if v[j]>0 then MaskApi.drawCirc(O,x[j],y[j],3,clrs[i]) end end
end end end
if anns[1].segmentation or anns[1].bbox then
local MaskApi, Rs = coco.MaskApi, {}
local Rs, alpha = {}, anns[1].keypoints and .25 or .4
for i=1,n do
if anns[i].segmentation then
if #Rs[i]>0 then Rs[i]=MaskApi.frPoly(Rs[i],h,w) end
elseif anns[i].bbox then
if Rs[i] and #Rs[i]>0 then Rs[i]=MaskApi.frPoly(Rs[i],h,w) end
if not Rs[i] then Rs[i]=MaskApi.frBbox(anns[i].bbox,h,w)[1] end
return MaskApi.drawMasks(img,MaskApi.decode(Rs))
return O

function CocoApi:__load( data, map, ids )
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39 changes: 34 additions & 5 deletions LuaAPI/MaskApi.lua
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ The following API functions are defined:
toBbox - Get bounding boxes surrounding encoded masks.
frBbox - Convert bounding boxes to encoded masks.
frPoly - Convert polygon to encoded mask.
drawCirc - Draw circle into image (alters input).
drawLine - Draw line into image (alters input).
drawMasks - Draw masks into image (alters input).
Rs = MaskApi.encode( masks )
Expand All @@ -25,7 +28,9 @@ Usage:
bbs = MaskApi.toBbox( Rs )
Rs = MaskApi.frBbox( bbs, h, w )
R = MaskApi.frPoly( poly, h, w )
img = MaskApi.drawMasks( img, masks, [maxn=n], [alpha=.4], [clrs] )
MaskApi.drawCirc( img, x, y, rad, clr )
MaskApi.drawLine( img, x0, y0, x1, y1, rad, clr )
MaskApi.drawMasks( img, masks, [maxn=n], [alpha=.4], [clrs] )
For detailed usage information please see cocoDemo.lua.
In the API the following formats are used:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,12 +144,37 @@ MaskApi.frPoly = function( poly, h, w )
return MaskApi._rlesToLua(Q,1)[1]


MaskApi.drawCirc = function( img, x, y, rad, clr )
assert(img:isContiguous() and img:dim()==3)
local k, h, w, data = img:size(1), img:size(2), img:size(3), img:data()
for dx=-rad,rad do for dy=-rad,rad do
local xi, yi = torch.round(x+dx), torch.round(y+dy)
if dx*dx+dy*dy<=rad*rad and xi>=0 and yi>=0 and xi<w and yi<h then
for c=1,k do data[(c-1)*h*w + yi*w + xi] = clr[c] end
end end

MaskApi.drawLine = function( img, x0, y0, x1, y1, rad, clr )
assert(img:isContiguous() and img:dim()==3)
local k, h, w, data = img:size(1), img:size(2), img:size(3), img:data()
local dx,dy,d; dx,dy=x1-x0,y1-y0; d=torch.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); dx,dy=dx/d,dy/d
for i=0,d,.5 do for j=-rad,rad,.5 do
local xi, yi = torch.round(x0+dx*i+j*dy), torch.round(y0+dy*i-j*dx)
if xi>=0 and yi>=0 and xi<w and yi<h then
for c=1,k do data[(c-1)*h*w + yi*w + xi] = clr[c] end
end end

MaskApi.drawMasks = function( img, masks, maxn, alpha, clrs )
assert(img:isContiguous() and img:dim()==3)
local n, h, w = masks:size(1), masks:size(2), masks:size(3)
if not maxn then maxn=n end
if not alpha then alpha=.4 end
if not clrs then clrs=torch.rand(n,3)*1.4 end
local out = img:clone():contiguous():float()
if not clrs then clrs=torch.rand(n,3)*.6+.4 end
for i=1,math.min(maxn,n) do
local M = masks[i]:contiguous():data()
local B = torch.ByteTensor(h,w):zero():contiguous():data()
Expand All @@ -157,12 +187,11 @@ MaskApi.drawMasks = function( img, masks, maxn, alpha, clrs )
end end
-- softly embed masks into image and add solid boundaries
for j=1,3 do
local O,c,a = out[j]:data(), math.min(clrs[i][j],1), alpha
local O,c,a = img[j]:data(), clrs[i][j], alpha
for k=0,w*h-1 do if M[k]==1 then O[k]=O[k]*(1-a)+c*a end end
for k=0,w*h-1 do if B[k]==1 then O[k]=c end end
return out

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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions LuaAPI/cocoDemo.lua
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Expand Up @@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
coco = require 'coco'
image = require 'image'

-- initialize COCO api for instance annotations
dataDir, dataType = '../', 'val2014'
annFile = dataDir..'/annotations/instances_'..dataType..'.json'
if not cocoApi then cocoApi=coco.CocoApi(annFile) end
-- initialize COCO api (please specify dataType/annType below)
annTypes = { 'instances', 'captions', 'person_keypoints' }
dataType, annType = 'val2014', annTypes[1]; -- specify dataType/annType
annFile = '../annotations/'..annType..'_'..dataType..'.json'

-- get all image ids, select one at random
imgIds = cocoApi:getImgIds()
imgId = imgIds[torch.random(imgIds:numel())]

-- load image
img = cocoApi:loadImgs(imgId)[1]
I = image.load(dataDir..'/images/'..dataType..'/'..img.file_name,3)
I = image.load('../images/'..dataType..'/'..img.file_name,3)

-- load and display instance annotations
annIds = cocoApi:getAnnIds({imgId=imgId})
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