WalletConnect V2 for Flutter, available for both Wallet and DApp!
Fully support at Avacus, you can experience both Mainnet and Testnet as it supports network customization.
Feel free to use and don't hesitate to raise issue if there are.
We make very detail in example so you can follow it for both Wallet and Dapp.
The connection is kept stable follow app lifecycle.
Import and create instance
import 'package:wallet_connect_v2/wallet_connect_v2.dart';
final _client = WalletConnectV2();
Initiate WalletConnect SDK
_client.init(projectId: projectId, appMetadata: walletMetadata);
Listen needed events from our export
// Wallet & DApp, listen to socket connection change
_client.onConnectionStatus = (isConnected) {
// do something, for e.g update UI
// Wallet only, listen to session proposal from DApp
_client.onSessionProposal = (proposal) {
// proposal request, handle to approve or reject
// Wallet & DApp, listen to new session which has been established
_client.onSessionSettle = (session) {
// we have detail information of session
// Wallet & DApp
_client.onSessionUpdate = (topic) {
// the session of topic has been updated
// Wallet & DApp
_client.onSessionDelete = (topic) {
// the session of topic has been deleted
// Wallet & DApp
_client.onSessionRequest = (request) {
// session request, handle to approve or reject
// DApp only, when Wallet reject the proposal
_client.onSessionRejection = (topic) {
// handle rejection here, for e.g hide the uri popup
// DApp only, when Wallet approve and reject session request
_client.onSessionResponse = (topic) {
// handle response here, for e.g update UI
Connect to listen event, for Wallet & DApp to connect to Relay service
Disconnect, for Wallet & DApp to disconnect with Relay service
Pair with DApps for Wallet only
_client.pair(uri: uri);
Approve session for Wallet only
_client.approveSession(approval: approval);
Reject session for Wallet only
_client.rejectSession(proposalId: proposal.id);
Disconnect session for Wallet & DApp
_client.disconnectSession(topic: topic);
Update session for Wallet & DApp
_client.updateSession(approval: updateApproval);
Approve request for Wallet only
_client.approveRequest(topic: topic, requestId: requestId, result: result);
Reject request for Wallet only
_client.rejectRequest(topic: topic, requestId: requestId);
Create pair for DApp only
_client.createPair(namespaces: namespaces);
Send request for DApp only
_client.sendRequest(request: request);