This project will create a CRUD REST API for an existing Amazon DocumentDB cluster. It will use Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda functions to create the API, as well as use AWS Secrets Manager to manage credentials to the database.
This project contains a SAM template and source code for the primary Lambda functions.
The following are the inputs to the SAM template:
- Prefix to prepend to resources
- Amazon DocumentDB identifier
- Username for Amazon DocumentDB (to be stored in Secrets Manager)
- Password for Amazon DocumentDB (to be stored in Secrets Manager)
- VPC Subnet for Amazon DocumentDB (for the AWS Lambda to be deployed)
- Security group for access to Amazon DocumentDB (for the AWS Lambda)
- Username to protect the API Gateway endpoints
- Password to protect the API Gateway endpoints
To package the zip file for the Lambda Layer run
To validate the SAM template run:
sam validate
To build the SAM template run:
sam build
make build
To deploy, run
sam deploy --guided
make sam
And follow the prompts.
The REST API root endpoint will be recorded in the output variable:
The HTTP endpoint is protected by username/password access, which is set up using the supplied API username and API password. To access the you need to supply the username password in the request.
The basic API is accessed at: https://APIUSER:APIPASSWORD@APIROOT/{databaseName}/{collectionName}
For example, to access the collection myColl
in the database myDb
(and using the APIUSER as apiuser
and APIPASSWORD as apipassword
you would use https://apiuser:apipassword@APIROOT/myColl/myDb
This one endpoint will handle multiple REST calls, depending on the HTTP verb used.
With the GET operation, you can issue a find()
command. It takes the
following arguments (all of which are optional):
: this is a filter clause in the MongoDB dialect. E.g.,filter={"a":1,"b":"two"}
: this is a projection clause in the MongoDB dialect. E.g.,projection={"_id":0,"a":1}
: this is a sort clause in the MongoDB dialect. E.g.,sort={"a":1,"b":-1}
: this is an integer and the number of results to return.skip
: this is an integer and the number of results to skip before returning results.
The PUT and POST verbs will perform the same operation, a database insert. The body of the HTTP request is the document to be stored in the database.
The PATCH verb will perform a database update operation. The filter and update operations should be passed as a JSON document as the body of the request. The filter to use to identify which documents should be updated is passed as the filter field of the body. The update itself is passed as the update field in the body of the request and is in the MongoDB dialect.
For example, to update all rows that have a
equal to 100
, and increment the value of b
by 10 and set the value of c
to three
, you would use the following as the body of the request:
"filter": {"a":100},
"update": {
"$inc": {
"b": 10
"$set": {
"c": "three"
The DELETE verb will perform a database delete operation. The filter should be passed as a JSON document as the body of the request. The filter to use to identify which documents should be deleted is passed as the filter field of the body.
For example, to delete all documents with the value of a
as 100, you would use
"filter": {"a":100},
For these examples, set the environment variables APIUSER
to the API user, password, and root, respectively. For example:
- PUT some data
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"brian", "rating": 5}' https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"joe", "rating": 5}' https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
- POST some data
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"jason", "rating": 3}' https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
- GET all the data
curl -G https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
- GET the joe document
curl -G --data-urlencode 'filter={"name": "joe"}' https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
- GET just the name field
curl -G --data-urlencode 'filter={"name": "joe"}' --data-urlencode 'projection={"_id": 0, "name": 1}' https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
- PATCH the jason document
curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"filter": {"name": "jason"},"update": {"$set": {"rating": 4}}}' https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
- DELETE the jason document
curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"filter": {"name": "jason"}}' https://$APIUSER:$APIPWD@$URLBASE/docdb/blog/test
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