Prerequisites for the Application
1- Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise version 14393, or Windows server 2016 RTM -for the docker-
2- Node.js
How to run the application
1- Clone or download the application from repository.
2- Open the solution file, it will asks you to enable the feature of docker if you don't already have it.
3- Restore Nugent packages & Build the solution.
4- Change or create the db on the connection found in
4.1- FleetManager.Repository/SQLHelper.cs --> connection
4.2- VehicleTracker.Repository/SQLHelper.cs --> connection
5- To run without docker
5.1- Inside VisualStudio set the startup project multiple for those projects
5.1.1- Apps.SPA
5.1.2- FleetManager.API
5.1.3- StatusGenerator
5.1.4- VehicleTracker.API
6- I used the chrome extension "Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *" to allow debugging and running it locally
Issue may faces you
1- in case of error "Webpack dev middleware failed... ", go to SPA app --> dependacies --> npm and restore packages.
2- in case of error "There is already an object named '__MigrationHistory'", rebuild all projects again.
**What is still missing or incomplete
1- Completion error / exception handling
2- Guid of how to transform it to server-less architecture using aws lambda framework-
3- Using event-bus pattern to enhance performance and to completed follow microservies architecture
6- Reach a decent test coverage using unit, integration, and automation tests
7- Integrate with CI/CD tool -appveyor-
8- Enhance the webapis with swagger