Making a bank app with proper authrozation and roles.
I made this app for school to highlight my skills in full stack development and ensuring proper secruity is used. I will be
updating this app to add the authrozation and roles authentication is in the final app. Will also be updating the styles
to make this app have my own style. This is a proof of concept.
Installation Guide:
- Clone the repository. git clone
- Navigate to the project directory. cd good-bank-MITxPro
- Install dependecies. npm install
- Launch the application node index.js
- Navigate to the web app by going to localhost:3000 in your web browser.
Technology Used:
- React.js
- React Router
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- Bootsrap
- Easy Account creation process.
- Convenient deposit and withdrawal options.
- Instant access to account balances.
- Comprehensive overview of account balances.
- Adding the secure authentication of users.
Future Features:
- Transaction history.
- Adding roles to make only certain parts of the website visible to authorized users.
License: This project is licensed under the MIT license. It is included in the project files.