- Nuxt 3
- Vue 3 and Composition API
- Tailwind CSS
- Nuxt Apollo
- Pinia with pinia-plugin-persistedstate for cart and state management
- Responsive design
- Support for simple and variable products
- Stock quantity on simple and variable products
- CSS animations and transitions
- Form handling and validation with Formkit, Vee Validate and Yup
- Checkout process
- Animated mobile menu
- Install and activate the following required plugins, in your WordPress plugin directory:
- woocommerce Ecommerce for WordPress.
- wp-graphql Exposes GraphQL for WordPress.
- wp-graphql-woocommerce Adds WooCommerce functionality to a WPGraphQL schema. Currently only confirmed to be working with version 0.62 of this plugin.
- algolia-woo-indexer Sends WooCommerce products to Algolia. Required for search to work.
Optional plugin:
- headless-wordpress Disables the frontend so only the backend is accessible.
- wp-graphql-cors Ensures that CORS works correctly. Remember to add the domain to the store under
Extend "Access-Control-Allow-Origin” header
The current release has been tested and is confirmed working with the following plugin versions:
- WordPress version 6.1.1
- WooCommerce version 7.4.0
- WP GraphQL version 1.13.8
- WooGraphQL version 0.12.0
- WPGraphQL CORS version 2.1
Make sure WooCommerce has some products already or import some sample products
The WooCommerce sample products CSV file is available at
or Sample productsImport the products at
WP Dashboard > Tools > Import > WooCommerce products(CSV)
Clone or fork the repo and modify
with the URL to the GraphQL endpoint (or set environment variables in the configuration UI for your deployment solution) -
Start the server with
npm run dev
Enable COD (Cash On Demand) payment method in WooCommerce
Add a product to the cart
Proceed to checkout
Fill in your details and place the order
Check that you are using the 0.6.2 version of the wp-graphql-woocommerce plugin
Try logging off wp-admin and try again.
Check the attributes of the products. Right now the application requires Size and Color.
- Refactor and improve codebase with reusable components