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  • 帮助诸位了解在开源社区各家大公司的参与情况,提供一个好项目的整合。
  • 促进国内的「大厂」在开源上有更多的投入,贡献更多能做到「主流」且「国际化」的项目。


共计 45637 个项目,61 家公司,200 个团队。



公司 团队数 项目数 近半年内活跃项目数 总 Star 数 语言 Top 3
360 2 88 53 43943 C++, JavaScript, C
58同城 1 32 27 10188 TypeScript, Java, Dart
Amazon 1 447 438 215260 Python, Go, Java
Apple 1 278 264 200189 Python, Swift, C
Boeing 1 33 24 356 C++, Python, Go
Buf 1 56 50 15739 Go, TypeScript, Makefile
Canonical 5 1784 1022 50491 Python, Shell, Go
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 4 374 299 185702 Go, Shell, HTML
Cloudflare 1 465 317 149323 JavaScript, Go, TypeScript
Datawhale 1 111 101 108927 Jupyter Notebook, Python, C++
Docker 1 131 118 167216 Go, JavaScript, TypeScript
Google 60 10210 6107 4955945 Python, Java, JavaScript
Grafana Labs 1 704 424 164648 Go, TypeScript, JavaScript
HashiCorp 1 1030 544 301304 Go, HCL, Shell
Hugging Face 1 232 199 367220 Python, Jupyter Notebook, Rust
IBM 1 3240 1756 93738 Python, JavaScript, Jupyter Notebook
JetBrains 1 697 402 193351 Java, Kotlin, C#
Jina AI 1 234 187 56572 Python, TypeScript, Jupyter Notebook
Kubernetes 1 156 156 553430 Go, Shell, HTML
Meta 1 137 137 966372 C++, JavaScript, Python
Microsoft 28 15431 9941 4235663 C#, Python, PowerShell
Netflix 1 230 183 225734 Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI 1 169 169 475000 Python, Jupyter Notebook, C++
Shopify 1 1051 415 155326 Ruby, JavaScript, Go
Sony 1 74 59 14798 Python, JavaScript, C++
The Apache Software Foundation 1 2652 1557 1111200 Java, HTML, JavaScript
Uber 2 191 134 176907 Go, JavaScript, Python
Vercel 1 156 123 402490 TypeScript, JavaScript, Shell
X 1 100 85 201655 Scala, Java, Python
YY 1 40 8 1138 JavaScript, Objective-C, CSS
七牛 1 151 53 16079 Go, Java, JavaScript
京东 1 67 34 4663 TypeScript, Java, C++
华为 1 105 22 1967 Python, Java, C
去哪儿 1 47 11 8080 JavaScript, Objective-C, Java
哔哩哔哩 1 73 50 90993 C++, C, Java
唯品会 1 16 11 12625 C, Java, Objective-C
字节跳动 4 327 254 134577 Python, Go, C
小米 1 74 46 29609 Java, Python, Go
开放原子开源基金会 1 12 10 12041 C++, Vue, Go
当当 1 8 3 5477 Java, Lua
快手 1 4 4 3744 C++, Dart, Java
搜狐 1 3 2 770 C, C++
携程 1 49 25 11221 Java, JavaScript, C
斗鱼 1 10 5 4986 Go, JavaScript, Shell
新浪微博 1 21 13 9410 Java, Go, C
极光开发者 1 91 37 13669 Objective-C, Java, JavaScript
深度求索 1 11 11 17667 Python, Makefile
清华大学 2 140 116 136877 Python, HTML, C++
滴滴 2 103 71 104761 JavaScript, Java, Go
爱奇艺 1 19 15 19939 Java, C, Python
环信 1 147 53 3433 Java, Objective-C, Erlang
百度 5 705 266 381898 JavaScript, Python, C++
知乎 1 32 19 19995 Java, C++, Go
网易 1 93 35 21345 JavaScript, Java, TypeScript
美团 3 137 45 90188 Java, JavaScript, Python
腾讯 12 1112 615 637774 Python, JavaScript, Java
蚂蚁集团 1 75 54 11591 Python, Java, C
豆瓣 1 69 28 15205 Python, Go, C
阿里巴巴 8 1294 780 1074983 Java, Python, JavaScript
陌陌 1 15 13 7151 Java, Python, PHP
饿了么 2 94 44 124706 JavaScript, Vue, Python

数据统计时间:2024-07-12 08:07:46


团队 公司
75team 360
Qihoo360 360
wuba 58同城
aws Amazon
apple Apple
boeing Boeing
bufbuild Buf
CanonicalLtd Canonical
canonical Canonical
canonical-web-and-design Canonical
charmed-kubernetes Canonical
ubuntu Canonical
cncf Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
knative Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
kubernetes Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
kubernetes-client Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
kubernetes-sigs Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
cloudflare Cloudflare
datawhalechina Datawhale
docker Docker
GerritCodeReview Google
Google-Autofuzz Google
Google-Developers-Sohag Google
Google-Health Google
GoogleChrome Google
GoogleChromeLabs Google
GoogleCloudBuild Google
GoogleCloudDataproc Google
GoogleCloudPlatform Google
GoogleCloudPlatformTraining Google
GoogleCodeExporter Google
GoogleContainerTools Google
GoogleTrends Google
GoogleWebComponents Google
Googlers-Repo Google
actions-on-google Google
android Google
angular Google
bazelbuild Google
chromium Google
dart-lang Google
firebase Google
flutter Google
gerrit-review Google
golang Google
google Google
google-admin Google
google-ai-edge Google
google-ar Google
google-coral Google
google-deepmind Google
google-developer-training Google
google-gemini Google
google-github-actions Google
google-home Google
google-marketing-solutions Google
google-pay Google
google-research Google
google-research-datasets Google
google-wallet Google
googleads Google
googleanalytics Google
googleapis Google
googleapis-publisher Google
googlearchive Google
googlebaba Google
googlebot Google
googlecast Google
googlecodelabs Google
googlecolab Google
googlecreativelab Google
googledatastudio Google
googlefonts Google
googleforgames Google
googlegenomics Google
googleinterns Google
googlemaps Google
googlemaps-samples Google
googleprojectzero Google
googlers Google
googlesamples Google
googlevr Google
googleworkspace Google
istio Google
k8s-at-home Google
tensorflow Google
grafana Grafana Labs
hashicorp HashiCorp
huggingface Hugging Face
ibm IBM
JetBrains JetBrains
jina-ai Jina AI
kubernetes Kubernetes
facebook Meta
Azure Microsoft
Azure-Samples Microsoft
Azure-Terraform Microsoft
AzureAD Microsoft
AzureCosmosDB Microsoft
Microsoft-OpenSource-Labs Microsoft
MicrosoftCopilot Microsoft
MicrosoftDocs Microsoft
MicrosoftEdge Microsoft
MicrosoftLearning Microsoft
MicrosoftResearch Microsoft
MicrosoftTranslator Microsoft
NuGet Microsoft
OfficeDev Microsoft
PowerShell Microsoft
SharePoint Microsoft
SignalR Microsoft
aspnet Microsoft
azure-sdk Microsoft
bitstadium Microsoft
calabash Microsoft
dotnet Microsoft
github Microsoft
microsoft Microsoft
microsoft-search Microsoft
microsoftarchive Microsoft
microsoftgraph Microsoft
ms-iot Microsoft
msintuneappsdk Microsoft
projectkudu Microsoft
winjs Microsoft
netflix Netflix
openai OpenAI
shopify Shopify
sony Sony
apache The Apache Software Foundation
uber Uber
uber-go Uber
vercel Vercel
twitter X
yyued YY
iqiyi 爱奇艺
AlibabaResearch 阿里巴巴
AliyunContainerService 阿里巴巴
QwenLM 阿里巴巴
alibaba 阿里巴巴
alibaba-oss 阿里巴巴
aliyun 阿里巴巴
amfe 阿里巴巴
ant-design 阿里巴巴
thx 阿里巴巴
BaiduFE 百度
PaddlePaddle 百度
baidu 百度
baidu-research 百度
ecomfe 百度
fex-team 百度
Bilibili 哔哩哔哩
dangdangdotcom 当当
didi 滴滴
douban 豆瓣
douyu 斗鱼
ElemeFE 饿了么
eleme 饿了么
easemob 环信
Huawei 华为
jpush 极光开发者
jd-opensource 京东
OpenAtomFoundation 开放原子开源基金会
KwaiAppTeam 快手
alipay 蚂蚁集团
Meituan 美团
Meituan-Dianping 美团
dianping 美团
momosecurity 陌陌
thu-cs-lab 清华大学
thudm 清华大学
qiniu 七牛
qunarcorp 去哪儿
deepseek-ai 深度求索
AlloyTeam 腾讯
TencentARC 腾讯
TencentBlueKing 腾讯
TencentCloud 腾讯
TencentCloudBase 腾讯
TencentOpen 腾讯
TencentYoutuResearch 腾讯
WechatFE 腾讯
frozenui 腾讯
tencent 腾讯
tencent-ailab 腾讯
tencent-wechat 腾讯
tencentyun 腾讯
netease 网易
vipshop 唯品会
xiaomi 小米
ctripcorp 携程
weibocom 新浪微博
zhihu 知乎
DouyinFE 字节跳动
arco-design 字节跳动
bytedance 字节跳动
cloudwego 字节跳动


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  • Python 100.0%