This is a simple django newsapp that demonstrates how to utilise the News API (
You will need the following dependencies to run this app.
- Python installed. and I have tested it with Python 3.9, though you should be able to run it with an older version of Python.
- Django installed. You can install that from the Django project
- News API API key You will need to sign up for a free API key from News API ( (which is free for a month).
- Clone this repo
git clone
. - Change directory to this repo using
cd newsapp-django
. - Install the newsapi module which is a dependency for this to work.
pip install newsapi-python
. - Add your News API key to this line
newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key='NEWSAPI_API_KEY')
file which is located in thenewsapp-django>financialnewsapp>
folder. - Run the django application, by using this command
python runserver
. - Open this link in your preferred web browser (
To install this example Django application, run the following commands in your preferred Terminal, Powershell or Git Bash:
git clone
cd newsapp-django
pip install newsapi-python
run `python runserver`
Open this link in your preferred web browser (
Make sure you update the API key in the file which is located in the newsapp-django>financialnewsapp> folder. You will need to go to ( to create a free API key (which is free for a month).
As it will give you this error message if you do not have added in the API key or need a valid API key:
newsapi.newsapi_exception.NewsAPIException: {'status': 'error', 'code': 'apiKeyInvalid', 'message': 'Your API key is invalid or incorrect. Check your key, or go to to create a free API key.'}