Vulners rules are used in Vulners Burp Plugin for the software:version pairs detection. Using this regular expressions and aliases plugin calls Vulners Burp API to find vulnerabilities.
The rule structure is:
"jQuery": {
"regex": "jQuery v([\\d.]+)",
"alias": "jquery",
"type": "software"
Is the human-readable alias.
Regular expression with single match group to find version of the product. It will be used on the raw plain-text server HTTP reply.
CPE string or software name alias. CPE is the preffered method.
"cpe" or "software". When "cpe" is selected, alias must me a CPE string like in this example:
"mod_perl": {
"regex": "mod_perl/([\\d.]+)",
"alias": "cpe:/a:apache:mod_perl",
"type": "cpe"
Vulners Team