To reporduce, use v-model in an md-textarea and watch the value of the model
Which browser?
at least chome and firefox
What is expected?
the string attached to v-model should always remain a string and map to the contents of the textarea (just like md-input)
What is actually happening?
every time the md-textarea is updated, the model is first set to the value of the input event that updated the md-textarea. it is then immediately updated to the correct value, but this momentary alternate type would break any code that assumes that the variable will always be a string and causes unnecessary computation
Reproduction Link
P.S. you should update your codepen template to use v1.0 It took me way longer to get codepen to load vue-material correctly than any other part of this bug report.
VdustR commentedon Dec 2, 2017
Similar to #1160
object oninput
#1249fix(MdTextarea): prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` (#1249)