This repo contains the code that accompanies a series of blog posts you can read either on our blog or on Medium.
It's a simple PWA created using the @vue/cli with the pwa plugin. It uses the Notifications API to show a notification once you enabled them. With notifications enabled you are able to send a push notification to yourself with custom text.
With Workbox it is ensured that the app works as a true PWA: with precaching, runtime caching and offline mode.
In part3, we include Workbox to implement precaching, runtime caching and offline mode. Moreover, the user decides when a new service worker is activated by clicking a button that pops up when an update is available.
This release is tagged v0.3, checkout the release notes. The API has not changed in this release and still refers to v0.2.
The corresponding blog post will be online soon.
In part 2 we include push notifications. For that, we need a backend which we create using the Laravel framework. The repo for the Laravel project is available here. The frontend code is available in this release. You can read the corresponding blogpost on our blog.
In part 1 we setup the project and create a page with a button. Clicking the button results in a notification on your screen. No push notifications yet...
The code can be found in release v0.1 and the corresponding blog post is here.
I have a demo of the code running on However, as I write more tutorials on this topic, the demo will be more involved and I'll report which code the demo reflects. Currently, the demo reflects Part 2
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build