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This repository is Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry's template for creating websites for workshops.

  1. Please do not fork this repository directly on GitHub. Instead, please use GitHub's importer following the instructions below to create a website repository for your workshop.

  2. Please do your work in your repository's gh-pages branch, since that is what is automatically published as a website by GitHub.

  3. Once you are done, please send your repository's URL to the Software Carpentry administrator. We build the list of workshops on our websites from the data included in your index.html page. We can only do that if you customize that page correctly and send us a link to your workshop website.

  4. Please also read the notes on customizing your website and the FAQ. If you're interested in knowing more about why we do things the way we do, please check out the design notes.

  5. If you are teaching Git, please create a separate repository for your learners to practice in.

  6. If you run into problems, or have ideas about how to make this process simpler, please get in touch.

Creating a Repository

  1. Log in to GitHub. (If you do not have an account, you can quickly create one for free.)

  2. Go to GitHub's importer.

  3. Paste the url of this repo as the old repository to clone:

  4. Select the owner for your new repository. (This will probably be you, but may instead be an organization you belong to.)

  5. Choose a name for your workshop website repository. This name should have the form YYYY-MM-DD-site, e.g., 2015-07-01-miskatonic, where YYYY-MM-DD is the start date of the workshop.

  6. Make sure the repository is public.

  7. At this point, you should have a page like this:

    You can now click "Begin Import". When the process is done, you can click "Continue to repository" to visit your newly-created repository.

Note: some people have had intermittent errors during the import process, possibly because of the network timing out. If you experience a problem, please re-try; if the problem persists, please get in touch.

Customizing Your Website

  1. Go into your newly-created repository, which will be at For example, if your username is gvwilson, the repository's URL will be

  2. Edit the header of index.html to customize the list of instructors, workshop venue, etc. You can do this in the browser by clicking on it in the file view on GitHub and then selecting the pencil icon in the menu bar:

    Editing hints are embedded in index.html, and full instructions are in the customization instructions.

  3. Alternatively, you can clone the repository to your desktop, edit index.html there, and push your changes back to the repository.

    git clone -b gh-pages

    You should specify -b gh-pages because the imported repository doesn't have a master branch.

    Note: please do all of your work in your repository's gh-pages branch, since GitHub automatically publishes that as a website.

  4. The URL for your website is determined automatically based on the URL for your repository: if your repository is at, its GitHub Pages website is at You must therefore edit the configuration values in _config.yml so that:

    1. carpentry is either "dc" (for Data Carpentry) or "swc" (for Software Carpentry). This determines which logos are loaded.

    2. repo is the name of your GitHub repository, e.g.,

    3. root is the unique identifier of your workshop with the leading '/', e.g., /2015-07-01-miskatonic.

    4. email is the contact email address for your workshop, e.g.,

  5. When you are done editing, go to the GitHub Pages URL for your workshop and preview your changes. In the example above, this is

Note: this template automatically creates some files and directories that most workshops do not need, but which provide a standard place to put extra content if desired. See the design notes for more information about these.

Further instructions are available in _extras/ This FAQ includes a few extra tips (additions are always welcome) and these notes on the background and design of this template may help as well.

Checking Your Changes

The following steps are only necessary if you want to preview your website locally on your computer.

  1. Install the software described below. This may require some work, so feel free to preview by pushing to the website.

  2. Run the command:

    $ jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml

    and go to to preview your site. You can also run this command by typing make serve (assuming you have Make installed).

    Note: the command above uses the values from _config.yml, then overrides some of them with _config_dev.yml so that local files (including CSS style files) will load properly. Simply running jekyll serve will not load local files, so styles and icons may not display properly if you do this.

  3. Run the command python bin/ index.html to check for a few common errors in your workshop's home page. (You must have Python 3 installed to do this.) If you have Make installed, you can also run this command by typing make workshop-check.

Installing Software

If you want to set up Jekyll so that you can preview changes on your own machine before pushing them to GitHub, you must install the software described below. (Note: Julian Thilo has written instructions for installing Jekyll on Windows.)

  1. Ruby. This is included with Linux and Mac OS X; the simplest option on Windows is to use RubyInstaller. You can test your installation by running ruby --version. For more information, see the Ruby installation guidelines.

  2. RubyGems (the package manager for Ruby). You can test your installation by running gem --version.

  3. Jekyll. You can install this by running gem install jekyll.

If you want to run bin/ (which is invoked by make workshop-check) to check for common errors in your workshop's home page, you must have Python 3 installed. You will also need the PyYAML module.

Setting Up a Separate Repository for Learners

If you are teaching Git, you should create a separate repository for learners to use in that lesson. You should not have them use the workshop website repository because:

  • your workshop website repository contains many files that most learners don't need to see during the lesson, and

  • you probably don't want to accidentally merge a damaging pull request from a novice Git user into your workshop's website while you are using it to teach.

You can call this repository whatever you like, and add whatever content you need to it.

Getting and Giving Help

We are committed to offering a pleasant setup experience for our learners and organizers. If you find bugs in our instructions, or would like to suggest improvements, please file an issue or mail us.