Platform for music enthusiasts to share collaborate and promote their work. Reservation/Booking system for music studios, vocal coaches, artists, instruments for rent. Property creation and session reservation/cancellation involving date, time, venue, equiments and mic setup.
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- Advanced search algorithm by category, date range, map location, number of guests, equipments and microphones
- Client form validation and handling using react-hook-form
- Calendars with react-date-range
- Google and Github OAuth authentication
- Image upload using Cloudinary CDN
- Server error handling using react-toast
- Booking / Reservation system and guest/owner reservation cancellation
- Creation and deletion of properties
- Pricing calculation
- Shareable URL filters
- Full responsiveness and tailwind design and animations
Client: React, Typescript, TailwindCSS
Server: Next.js, MongoDB, Prisma, Axios, bcrypt, ESlint
If you have any feedback, please reach out at