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vporton committed Dec 22, 2019
1 parent 18e5949 commit 386b949
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Showing 2 changed files with 150 additions and 90 deletions.
237 changes: 148 additions & 89 deletions contracts/RewardTemplate.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,107 +1,166 @@
* SPDX-License-Identitifer: GPL-3.0-or-later
* This file requires contract dependencies which are licensed as
* GPL-3.0-or-later, forcing it to also be licensed as such.
* This is the only file in your project that requires this license and
* you are free to choose a different license for the rest of the project.

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;

import "@aragon/os/contracts/factory/DAOFactory.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/apm/Repo.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/lib/ens/ENS.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/lib/ens/PublicResolver.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/apm/APMNamehash.sol";

import "@aragon/apps-voting/contracts/Voting.sol";
import "@aragon/apps-token-manager/contracts/TokenManager.sol";
import "@aragon/apps-shared-minime/contracts/MiniMeToken.sol";
pragma solidity 0.4.24;

import "./CourtWrapper.sol";
import "@aragon/templates-shared/contracts/TokenCache.sol";
import "@aragon/templates-shared/contracts/BaseTemplate.sol";

import "./CourtWrapper.sol";

contract TemplateBase is APMNamehash {
ENS public ens;
DAOFactory public fac;

event DeployInstance(address dao);
event InstalledApp(address appProxy, bytes32 appId);
contract Template is BaseTemplate, TokenCache {

address constant private ANY_ENTITY = address(-1);
bool constant private TOKEN_TRANSFERABLE = true;
uint8 constant private TOKEN_DECIMALS = uint8(18);
uint256 constant private TOKEN_MAX_PER_ACCOUNT = uint256(0);

constructor (
DAOFactory _daoFactory,
ENS _ens,
MiniMeTokenFactory _miniMeFactory,
IFIFSResolvingRegistrar _aragonID
BaseTemplate(_daoFactory, _ens, _miniMeFactory, _aragonID)

constructor(DAOFactory _fac, ENS _ens) public {
ens = _ens;
* @dev Create a new MiniMe token and deploy a Template DAO.
* @param _tokenName String with the name for the token used by share holders in the organization
* @param _tokenSymbol String with the symbol for the token used by share holders in the organization
* @param _holders Array of token holder addresses
* @param _stakes Array of token stakes for holders (token has 18 decimals, multiply token amount `* 10^18`)
* @param _votingSettings Array of [supportRequired, minAcceptanceQuorum, voteDuration] to set up the voting app of the organization
function newTokenAndInstance(
string _tokenName,
string _tokenSymbol,
address[] _holders,
uint256[] _stakes,
uint64[3] _votingSettings
newToken(_tokenName, _tokenSymbol);
newInstance(_holders, _stakes, _votingSettings);

// If no factory is passed, get it from on-chain bare-kit
if (address(_fac) == address(0)) {
bytes32 bareKit = apmNamehash("bare-kit");
fac = TemplateBase(latestVersionAppBase(bareKit)).fac();
} else {
fac = _fac;
* @dev Create a new MiniMe token and cache it for the user
* @param _name String with the name for the token used by share holders in the organization
* @param _symbol String with the symbol for the token used by share holders in the organization
function newToken(string memory _name, string memory _symbol) public returns (MiniMeToken) {
MiniMeToken token = _createToken(_name, _symbol, TOKEN_DECIMALS);
_cacheToken(token, msg.sender);
return token;

function latestVersionAppBase(bytes32 appId) public view returns (address base) {
Repo repo = Repo(PublicResolver(ens.resolver(appId)).addr(appId));
(,base,) = repo.getLatest();
* @dev Deploy a Template DAO using a previously cached MiniMe token
* @param _holders Array of token holder addresses
* @param _stakes Array of token stakes for holders (token has 18 decimals, multiply token amount `* 10^18`)
* @param _votingSettings Array of [supportRequired, minAcceptanceQuorum, voteDuration] to set up the voting app of the organization
function newInstance(
address[] memory _holders,
uint256[] memory _stakes,
uint64[3] memory _votingSettings
_ensureTemplateSettings(_holders, _stakes, _votingSettings);

(Kernel dao, ACL acl) = _createDAO();
(Voting voting) = _setupBaseApps(dao, acl, _holders, _stakes, _votingSettings);
// Setup placeholder-app-name app
_setupCustomApp(dao, acl, voting);
_transferRootPermissionsFromTemplateAndFinalizeDAO(dao, voting);

return base;
function _setupBaseApps(
Kernel _dao,
ACL _acl,
address[] memory _holders,
uint256[] memory _stakes,
uint64[3] memory _votingSettings
returns (Voting)
MiniMeToken token = _popTokenCache(msg.sender);
TokenManager tokenManager = _installTokenManagerApp(_dao, token, TOKEN_TRANSFERABLE, TOKEN_MAX_PER_ACCOUNT);
Voting voting = _installVotingApp(_dao, token, _votingSettings);

_mintTokens(_acl, tokenManager, _holders, _stakes);
_setupBasePermissions(_acl, voting, tokenManager);

return (voting);

function _setupBasePermissions(
ACL _acl,
Voting _voting,
TokenManager _tokenManager
_createEvmScriptsRegistryPermissions(_acl, _voting, _voting);
_createVotingPermissions(_acl, _voting, _voting, _tokenManager, _voting);
_createTokenManagerPermissions(_acl, _tokenManager, _voting, _voting);

contract RewardTemplate is TemplateBase {
MiniMeTokenFactory tokenFactory;
// Next we install and create permissions for the placeholder-app-name app
function _setupCustomApp(
Kernel _dao,
ACL _acl,
Voting _voting
CourtWrapper app = _installCourtWrapper(_dao);
_createCourtWrapperPermissions(_acl, app, _voting, _voting);

uint64 constant PCT = 10 ** 16;
address constant ANY_ENTITY = address(-1);
function _installCourtWrapper(
Kernel _dao
internal returns (CourtWrapper)
bytes32 _appId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(apmNamehash("open"), keccak256("placeholder-app-name")));
bytes memory initializeData = abi.encodeWithSelector(CourtWrapper(0).initialize.selector);
return CourtWrapper(_installDefaultApp(_dao, _appId, initializeData));

constructor(ENS ens) TemplateBase(DAOFactory(0), ens) public {
tokenFactory = new MiniMeTokenFactory();
function _createCourtWrapperPermissions(
ACL _acl,
CourtWrapper _app,
address _grantee,
address _manager
_acl.createPermission(_grantee, _app, _app.JUDGE_ROLE(), _manager);

function newInstance(/*RewardCourts ownedContract*/) public {
Kernel dao = fac.newDAO(this);
ACL acl = ACL(dao.acl());
acl.createPermission(this, dao, dao.APP_MANAGER_ROLE(), this);

address root = msg.sender;
bytes32 appId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(apmNamehash("open"), keccak256("reward")));
bytes32 votingAppId = apmNamehash("voting");
bytes32 tokenManagerAppId = apmNamehash("token-manager");

CourtWrapper app = CourtWrapper(dao.newAppInstance(appId, latestVersionAppBase(appId)));
// Voting voting = Voting(dao.newAppInstance(votingAppId, latestVersionAppBase(votingAppId)));
// TokenManager tokenManager = TokenManager(dao.newAppInstance(tokenManagerAppId, latestVersionAppBase(tokenManagerAppId)));
// MiniMeToken token = tokenFactory.createCloneToken(MiniMeToken(0), 0, "App token", 0, "APP", true);
// token.changeController(tokenManager);
// //uint256 courtId = ownedContract.createCourt();
// // Initialize apps
// app.initialize(/*ownedContract, courtId*/);
// tokenManager.initialize(token, true, 0);
// voting.initialize(token, 50 * PCT, 50 * PCT, 7 days);
// acl.createPermission(this, tokenManager, tokenManager.MINT_ROLE(), this);
//, 1); // Give one token to root
// acl.createPermission(ANY_ENTITY, voting, voting.CREATE_VOTES_ROLE(), root);
// acl.createPermission(voting, app, app.JUDGE_ROLE(), voting);
// acl.grantPermission(voting, tokenManager, tokenManager.MINT_ROLE());
// // Clean up permissions
// acl.grantPermission(root, dao, dao.APP_MANAGER_ROLE());
// acl.revokePermission(this, dao, dao.APP_MANAGER_ROLE());
// acl.setPermissionManager(root, dao, dao.APP_MANAGER_ROLE());
// acl.grantPermission(root, acl, acl.CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE());
// acl.revokePermission(this, acl, acl.CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE());
// acl.setPermissionManager(root, acl, acl.CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE());

emit DeployInstance(dao);

function _ensureTemplateSettings(
address[] memory _holders,
uint256[] memory _stakes,
uint64[3] memory _votingSettings
require(_holders.length > 0, ERROR_EMPTY_HOLDERS);
require(_holders.length == _stakes.length, ERROR_BAD_HOLDERS_STAKES_LEN);
require(_votingSettings.length == 3, ERROR_BAD_VOTE_SETTINGS);
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"compile": "aragon contracts compile",
"deploy": "aragon deploy",
"start:ipfs": "aragon run --files dist",
"start:template": "aragon run --files dist --template RewardTemplate --template-init @ARAGON_ENS --template-new-instance newInstance --template-args $(cat build/RewardCourts.address.txt)",
"start:template": "aragon run --files dist --template RewardTemplate --template-init @ARAGON_ENS",
"start:judge": "cd apps/judge && npm start",
"start:dev": "DEV=true node_modules/@aragon/test-helpers/",
"start:no:client": "NO_CLIENT=true node_modules/@aragon/test-helpers/",
Expand All @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"@aragon/apps-token-manager": "^2.1.0",
"@aragon/apps-voting": "^2.1.0",
"@aragon/os": "^4.3.0",
"@aragon/templates-shared": "",
"@aragon/apps-shared-minime": "",
"@aragon/test-helpers": "^2.1.0",
"ipfs": "^0.39.0",
Expand Down

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