As far as I understand one should be able to set the value of Cache to 'yes' or 'no' in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf via systemd::resolved.
But in systemd::resolved the variable named $cache is a Boolean and if it is set to false, the value does not get rendered to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf:
$_cache = $cache ? {
true => 'yes',
false => 'no',
if $cache {
ini_setting{ 'cache':
ensure => 'present',
value => $_cache,
setting => 'Cache',
section => 'Resolve',
path => '/etc/systemd/resolved.conf',
notify => Service['systemd-resolved'],
So only setting it to true will render it to the file with Cache=yes (which under Ubuntu is the default anyway) and one can never set Cache=no. Because using only a Boolean will mean you have to render it out everywhere (even on installations where you are not concerned with this value and would like not to have this file modified), I would hope for a different solution (e.g. not using a Boolean or two variables).
Thank you so much!
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