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pAPI (payments API)

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pAPI is a payments API written in Go, a fictional cloud service that offers standard CRUD functionality on payment resources.

Table of Contents

API design

Payments API handles payment resources. A payment represents a money transaction between a beneficiary party and a debtor party and contains all information needed to correctly process the transaction as well as maintaining adequate book-keeping. Payment objects are written using JSON and are conformant with the json:api specification.

An example payment could look like the following:

  "type": "Payment",
  "id": "4ee3a8d8-ca7b-4290-a52c-dd5b6165ec43",
  "version": 0,
  "organisation_id": "743d5b63-8e6f-432e-a8fa-c5d8d2ee5fcb",
  "attributes": {
    "amount": "100.21",
    "beneficiary_party": {
      "account_name": "W Owens",
      "account_number": "31926819",
      "account_number_code": "BBAN",
      "account_type": 0,
      "address": "1 The Beneficiary Localtown SE2",
      "bank_id": "403000",
      "bank_id_code": "GBDSC",
      "name": "Wilfred Jeremiah Owens"
    "charges_information": {
      "bearer_code": "SHAR",
      "sender_charges": [
        { "amount": "5.00", "currency": "GBP" },
        { "amount": "10.00", "currency": "USD" }
      "receiver_charges_amount": "1.00",
      "receiver_charges_currency": "USD"
    "currency": "GBP",
    "debtor_party": {
      "account_name": "EJ Brown Black",
      "account_number": "GB29XABC10161234567801",
      "account_number_code": "IBAN",
      "address": "10 Debtor Crescent Sourcetown NE1",
      "bank_id": "203301",
      "bank_id_code": "GBDSC",
      "name": "Emelia Jane Brown"
    "end_to_end_reference": "Wil piano Jan",
    "fx": {
      "contract_reference": "FX123",
      "exchange_rate": "2.00000",
      "original_amount": "200.42",
      "original_currency": "USD"
    "numeric_reference": "1002001",
    "payment_id": "123456789012345678",
    "payment_purpose": "Paying for goods/services",
    "payment_scheme": "FPS",
    "payment_type": "Credit",
    "processing_date": "2017-01-18",
    "reference": "Payment for Em's piano lessons",
    "scheme_payment_sub_type": "InternetBanking",
    "scheme_payment_type": "ImmediatePayment",
    "sponsor_party": {
      "account_number": "56781234",
      "bank_id": "123123",
      "bank_id_code": "GBDSC"

For simplicity, it is assumed that full representations of payment resources will be used, i.e. payment objects in requests and responses will always contain every attribute except for type and version, which will be handled by the server.


The API offers basic CRUD operations on a collection of payment resources. The API is designed following RESTful conventions around endpoint names and HTTP methods. The following table summarizes available actions:

Action Method Endpoint Description Status codes
Create payment POST /payments Creates a new payment resource with the given details 201, 409, 422, 429, 500
Fetch payment GET /payments/{id} Requests details about the payment resource identified by id 200, 404, 422, 429, 500
Update payment PUT /payments/{id} Uses the provided data to update the payment with id 200, 404, 422, 429, 500
Delete payment DELETE /payments/{id} Deletes the payment resource identified by id 204, 404, 422, 429, 500
List payments GET /payments Fetches details about more than one payment as a collection 200, 400, 422, 429, 500

Common status codes

Status codes 422, 429 and 500 are common to all endpoints:

  • 422 Unprocessable Entity: the client sent syntactically correct but semantically wrong data. Parameters with invalid values and missing fields in payment objects are the most common causes of this error.
  • 429 Too Many Requests: request rate limit reached.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: the server encountered an error while processing the request.

Create payment

Creates a new payment with the information given by the client in the request body. The new payment's id will be generated by the client and included in the payment object.

Request Params Body
POST /payments - payment
Status code Body Description
201 Created payment Resource created successfully
409 Conflict - There is already a payment with the given id

Fetch payment

Asks the server for details about the payment with id.

Request Params Body
GET /payments/{id} id -
Status code Body Description
200 OK payment Requested details retrieved successfully
404 Not Found - A payment with id could not be found

Update payment

Updates the information about the payment identified by id with the data contained in the request body. The id in the URI will be used to identify the payment. If the payment object sent in the request body contains an id field, it will be ignored.

PUT is used instead of PATCH to indicate that partial updates (i.e. updating only some attributes) are not allowed. Payment details will be updated by replacing payment representations as a whole.

Request Params Body
PUT /payments/{id} id payment
Status code Body Description
200 OK payment Payment resource updated successfully
404 Not Found - A payment with id could not be found

Delete payment

Deletes the payment with the given id.

Request Params Body
DELETE /payments/{id} id -
Status code Body Description
204 No Content - Payment resource deleted successfully
404 Not Found - A payment with id could not be found

List payments

Gets a view of payment resources as a collection.

Request Params Body
GET /payments page[number], page[size] -

This action supports pagination parameters:

  • page[number]: The page number that is being requested. A page is a sub-collection of page[size] elements. The first page is number 0. This parameter defaults to 0 and, obviously, cannot be negative.
  • page[size]: Number of elements per page. This parameter defaults to 10 and must be in the range (0, 100]. Requests with values outside this range will result in a 422 Unprocessable Entity response.
Status code Body Description
200 OK Array of payment Requested details retrieved successfully
404 Not Found - No payment matches the query. Either there are no payments or pagination parameters make the query return no results

Rate limits

The API implements request rate limit to avoid intentional or unintentional misuse of server resources. By default, a limit of 100 requests per second per client is imposed. If the client sends requests at higher rates, the server will return 429 Too Many Requests to any request beyond the limit.

Additional endpoints

Aside from the application endpoints, the service also offers additional endpoints that are useful from an operational point of view:

  • /health: Returns 200 if the service is available and able to handle requests and 500 otherwise, following the guidelines for Kubernetes liveness and readiness probes.
  • /metrics: Returns service metrics in Prometheus format.

Implementation details

The payments API is implemented as a microservice that offers a REST API that allows clients to manage payment resources by offering standard CRUD functionality.

Swagger/OpenAPI is used to specify the API contract with clients. Swagger allows writing API specifications using the YAML format. Apart from serving as documentation of the API's exported functionality and expected inputs and outputs, swagger files can be used to automatically generate model and boilerplate code which takes care of common tasks such as request handling and input validation.

Part of the code in the repo is automatically generated from the spec indeed. Specifically, code in pkg/client, pkg/models and pkg/restapi is autogenerated.

The rest of the section highlights the key features implemented in the project. This is a quick rundown, please ask if you want more details ;).

Automatic code generation

go-swagger is used to generate routing and validation code from the swagger spec. The tool was used with the great Stratoscale templates that carefully isolate implementation from generated code, producing interfaces that improve testability and play nicely with the standard net/http library.

Test-Driven Development / Behaviour-Driven Development

Tests are used to describe desired behaviour and to drive design decisions. Required functionality is captured in Cucumber features, written using Gherkin syntax. Acceptance end to end tests are based on DATA-DOG/godog, the semi-official implementation of Cucumber for Go.

End to end tests are then followed by integration and unit tests. Standard Go testing facilities are used for these tests, since they are developer tests, with the help of auxiliary libraries such as mitchellh/copystructure or google/go-cmp. DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock serves as a database test double when unit testing the code that interfaces with the data backend.

Resource state persistence

Data persistence is achieved by using PostgreSQL as a data backend. It is difficult to choose the right database for an application when one has little information about what the data looks like (e.g. what other resources could exist and/or how they relate with payment resources) or how it will be used. However, an RDBMS was chosen over NoSQL or document-oriented alternatives on the assumption that strong consistency (and ACID-compliancy in general) is a must.

The interface with the database is abstracted by the notion of Repository for payment resources and the implementation of a DB-based one. No ORMs were used to avoid the need to edit autogenerated model code to add annotations.

lib/pq is used as driver and schema migrations are handled by means of golang-migrate/migrate.

Continuous Integration

An automated build pipeline is configured on Travis CI. The CI pipeline, which is triggered on every commit, lints the code (using golangci/golangci-lint), runs tests (configuring infrastructure when necessary) and publishes Docker images.

Infrastructure as Code

End to end tests are run by deploying the service on real infrastructure in Amazon Web Services. Thus, automating tests imply automating the generation and configuration of such infrastructure. Terraform is the IaC tool of choice.

Instrumentation and logging

Service metrics are exposed in Prometheus format thanks to an additional endpoint implemented using slok/go-http-metrics. Collected metrics follow the RED method.

Logging in the application is done in a lightweight manner, avoiding huge amounts of logs that make finding the information needed to solve an issue quite hard. Instead, metrics are favoured as the main source of information about the service's status. Request logging is avoided, and only server errors are logged. Go's standard log package is enough for this use.

Rate limiting

Imposing rate limits is essential to avoid server resource misuse. Rate limiting is implemented by adding ulule/limiter middleware to the handler chain.

Configuration from the environment

Service configuration can be stored in the environment, following guidelines and conventions such as those proposed by The Twelve-Factor App. namsral/flag is a drop-in replacement for Go stdlib's flag package that is able to read configuration parameters from environment variables as well as regular command-line arguments.


To ease deployment, Docker container images are generated for the service and uploaded to a repository on Docker Hub.

Cluster deployment

Once the service is containerized, it can be easily deployed in a cluster using Kubernetes. To check K8s configuration, the service is deployed in a local cluster created with kind and the end to end tests are run against this local deployment.

Further work

Some features have been left out for simplicity, but would be mandatory in a real-world scenario.

  • HTTPS: Core Go crypto libraries allow automatic generation of SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt. HTTPS features could, however, be handled at the infrastructure level, as SSL termination is a common option in most load balancers and API gateways.
  • Authorization: A library such as go-oauth2/oauth2 could be used to implement server-side OAuth2 to handle client authorization to use of API resources. As was the case with SSL termination, authorization is likely to be handled centrally in most microservices architectures.
  • Continuous Deployment: Currently, Travis is only used for CI, but build artifacts are not deployed automatically on success. Terraform configurations could be rewritten into modules that could then be parametrized to allow for different deployments depending on the environment (staging, production, etc.)
  • A lot of other things that doesn't make sense in a restricted-scope scenario like this project's one: Advanced tools and services useful in complex architectures, such as service meshes, API gateways, log ingestion platforms, credential managers...

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