1. functions
2. cycles (only while)
3. if's
4. string and number literals
5. variables assignments
- main file with all the processing. Constructs AAST/ASTs from your filesyntaxer/ObjectTrees.py
- file with AAST structuressyntaxer/grammars.py
- contains grammars and dfa/pdas for their creation. Constructs AAST for your object type (function definition, function call, variable definition)test/syntaxer_tests.py
- contains a lot of examples of how to use code above and has severalswift
code examples
Shrinks subsequence of tokens into AST or AAST object.
Method transform_main
- Transform function definitions and hide their code blocks- Process code blocks by method
- Process code blocks by method
- transform ifs into AST objects- does not construct AST for the boolean expression inside
- transforms only while loops into AST objects- does not construct AST for the boolean expression inside
- transform function calls and variable definitions into AASTs- does not construct AST/AAST for variable update like
a = b
, wherea
are defined somewhere
- does not construct AST/AAST for variable update like
FunctionDeclaration::= func ID LP [ID : Type[, ID COLON Type]* ] RP ARROW Type|(LP Type [, Type]+) RP LCP Expression RCP
FunctionCall::= ID LP [Labeled|Const|FunctionCall [, Labeled|Const|FunctionCall]* ] RP
Labeled ::= ID COLON Const
Const ::= IntegerConst | StringConst
IntegerConst ::= {'number': value}
StringConst ::= {'multiline|inline string': value}
Expression ::= ...
If ::= 'if' ConditionList CodeBlock [ElseClause]
ElseClause ::= 'else' If | CodeBlock
ConditionList ::= Condition | Condition ',' ConditionList
Condition ::= Expression
CodeBlock ::= '{' Statements '}'
Statements ::= Statement | Statement Statements
Statement ::= ...
While ::= 'while' ConditionList CodeBlock
Repeat ::= 'repeat' CodeBlock 'while' Expression
For ::= 'for' ['case'] Pattern 'in' Collection CodeBlock
If you wish to take a look at FDeclaration & FCall PDAs - ask @evgerher
- Vasile Rotaru @VMR013
- Evgeny Sorokin @evgerher
- python3
- unittest library
Program provides argparse functionality, use -h for help python3 src/LexicalAnalyzer.py -h
Example of program call python3 src/LexicalAnalyzer.py src/swift_examples/BTree.swift src/swift_examples/out.txt
- `preprocessing` directory
- `comments.py` - methods for deleting comments from source code
- `escaping.py` - methods for escaping delimiters & operators, also it transform into final representation
- `numeric_constants.py` - methods for parsing number values
- `string_literals.py` - methods for processing string literals. Methods substitute the literal with TEMP# value. Such a way allows to keep it safe from later transformations
- `swift_examples` directory
- `BTree.swift` - BTree datastructure implemented of swift
- `out.txt` - default out file
- `lexical-analyzer.py`
- Main file for the lexer
- Provides args functionality & processes source code into list of tokens
- `swift_tokens.py` - config file with dictionaries of token transformations
- `keywords`, `operators`, `delimiters`
- `operators_priority = ['<=', '>=', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=', '+', '*', '*', '-', '/', '%', '>', '<']` - provides priority for processing operators.
- `string_literals['inline'] = 'INLINE_STRING_LITERAL'`
- `string_literals['multiline'] = 'MULTILINE_STRING_LITERAL'`
-`syntaxer` syntax analyzer directory
-`ObjectTrees.py` #todo
-`grammars.py` #todo
-`if-statement.py` file containig definitions of functions used for validating an if-statement. it is **triggered** by **'S_IF'** token. It return the
-`repeat-while` is not finished and is not working. The finction should be called when there's met the **'S_REAPEAT'** token. It yields the tree of the **repeat-statement** in form of a dictionary object.
-`syntaxer` function that builds program tree
-`test_funcs.txt` #todo
-`test_lag.txt` #todo
-`var_def.txt` #todo
-`var_type.txt` #todo
-`while_loop.py` in this file are contained the definition of the function that builds the tree of a **while-loop-statement**. The function is started when the syntaxer meets the **'S_WHILE'** token.
- python file with all the testsIdentifyComments
- tests methods for comments removalStringLiterals
- tests methods for substitution of string literalsFormatTest
- tests lexical analysis
1) Get rid of comments
2) Save string literals and substitute with TEMP#
3) Escape delimiters (transform and add spaces around)
4) Escape operators (transform and add spaces around)
1) The order for 2 steps above matter, because `->` consists of `-` operator
5) Retrieve tokens list
1) Split the content by spaces
2) Transform each word into token
1) Check is it already processed (step 3, 4)
2) Check if it is a keyword
3) Handle identifier
1) Check if it is number and process
2) Check if it is TEMP# and substitute back
3) Else - substitute with `identifier: word`
1)Run the lexer and get the tokens' list
2)Create tree object for every statement.
1)Create trees for all if-statements
2)Construct trees for all while-loop-statements
3)Ensemble the program tree from all smaller built trees.
4)Output a json representation of the program tree
- Project was written in the beginning written in PyCharm, so
actions may become weird - In some places it is possible to optimize, but we are lazy