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Build HTML dashboard using user-defined cards (bootstrap4 support)


Purpose of this very simple tool is to :

  • build a HTML dashboard using cards
  • cards are kind of plugins that user can develop
  • cards can be called multiple times

This small project has been first been developed to build a dashboard to Raspberry PI devices, to run it through crontab and to share the HTML page using a standard web server.


Following python modules are required :

Modules could be installed using following commands:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Settings have to be defined using JSON config file :

# enable/disable debug mode
"debug": [true|false]

# cards (array of settings)
	"title": "<name of the card>",
	"plugin": "<plugin to be used>",
	"arguments": [<arguments>,<sent>,<to>,<plugin>]


  • specific template can be defined in configuration file to replace <plugin>.html (default).
  • template name should not contain any extension (.html will be automatically added).
	"title": "<name of the card>",
	"plugin": "<plugin to be used>",
	"arguments": [<arguments>,<sent>,<to>,<plugin>],
	"template": "sample-alternative"

Do not forget to rename template file as config.json

mv config-template.json config.json


usage: [-h] [-d] [-c <filename>] [-t <dirname>] [-o <filename>]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug    force debug mode (not used yet)
  -c <filename>  config file name (defaut: config.json)
  -t <dirname>   templates directory name (defaut: templates)
  -o <filename>  output file name


HTML code to be rendered with plugins is located in templates directory. Option -t can be used to specify another directory.
Two optional files could exist in the templates directory:

  • _header_.html content will be pushed at beginning of the HTML output code
  • _footer_.html content will be pushed at end of the HTML output code



Plugins should respect following rules:

  • been placed into 'plugins' directory
  • plugin code could be named <plugin>.py
  • plugin card could be named <plugin>.html
  • have declared (at least) variables named : name, version, url, author, contact, description
  • have declared (at least) functions named : test(), run()


Two functions are required for each plugin:

  • test() : could be executed in debug mode
  • run() : main plugin function called by main program
  • plugin should return a JSON object after execution of run()
  • JSON object is then rendered with Jinja2 using plugin HTML template <plugin>.html


Jinja2 templating module is used to render HTML :

  • JSON object returned by plugin is sent to template through variables
  • card config is available in templates through variables card.xx + (random)
  • rendering relies on file <plugin>.html from templates directory
  • if plugin returns JSON object containing templatevariable, that one will be used as alternative template

Sample plugin

Python code

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json

name = 'Sample plugin'
version = '0.1'
url = ''
author = 'VMapps'
contact	= ''
description = 'Sample plugin for demo'

def test():
	return name + ' - v' + version

def run(args):
	data = { 'name':name, 
	# -- template can be changed at runtime --
	# if <something goes wrong>:
	#	data['template'] = 'sample-danger'
	return data

HTML template

<div class="card {{ card.plugin }}" id="{{ }}">
	<h5 class="card-header">{{ card.title }}</h5>
	<div class="card-body">Plugin items:
		<li>name : {{ }}</li>
		<li>version : {{ render.version }}</li>
		<li>description : {{ render.description }}</li>
		<li>argument #0 : {{ render.arg0 }}</li>
		<li>argument #1 : {{ render.arg1 }}</li>
	<div class="card-footer">Card config:
		<li>id: {{ }}</li>
		<li>title: {{ card.title }}</li>
		<li>plugin: {{ card.plugin }}</li>
		<li>arguments: {{ card.arguments }}</li>
		<li>dummy: {{ card.dummy }}</li>

Card configuration

	"title": "Test Sample",
	"plugin": "sample",
	"arguments": ["foo","bar"],
	"dummy": "foo/bar"

HTML Output

<div class="card sample" id="65f053e29a6043a09fd2b98993d8d91b">
        <h5 class="card-header">Test Sample</h5>
        <div class="card-body">Plugin items:
                <li>name : Sample plugin</li>
                <li>version : 0.1</li>
                <li>description : Sample plugin for demo</li>
                <li>argument #0 : foo</li>
                <li>argument #1 : bar</li>
        <div class="card-footer">Card config:
                <li>id: 65f053e29a6043a09fd2b98993d8d91b</li>
                <li>title: Test Sample</li>
                <li>plugin: sample</li>
                <li>arguments: ['foo', 'bar']</li>
                <li>dummy: foo/bar</li>

