The Sequelize library provides easy access to a MySQL database by mapping database entries to objects and vice versa. To put it in a nutshell... it's an ORM (Object-Relational-Mapper). The library is written entirely in JavaScript and can be used in the Node.JS environment.
- v1.3.0: migrations, cross-database, validations, new listener notation, ...
- v1.2.1: changes some defaults and some interfaces
- v1.0.0: complete rewrite
- Schema definition
- Schema synchronization/dropping
- Easy definition of class/instance methods
- Instance saving/updating/dropping
- Asynchronous library
- Associations
- Importing definitions from single files
You can find the documentation and announcements of updates on the project's website. If you want to know about latest development and releases, follow me on Twitter. Also make sure to take a look at the examples in the repository. The website will contain them soon, as well.
I'm glad to get pull request if any functionality is missing or something is buggy. But please ... run the tests before you send me the pull request.
Now if you want to contribute but don't really know where to begin don't worry, the steps below will guide you to have a sequelize contributor's environment running in a couple minutes.
All the following steps consider you already have npm installed in your node.js version 0.4.6 or higher
Contributing to sequelize requires you to have MySQL up and running in your local environment. The reason for that is that we have test cases that runs against an actual MySQL server and make sure everything is always working.
That is also one of the reasons your features must come with tests: let's make sure sequelize will stay awesome as more features are added as well as that fixed bugs will never come back.
Well, after installing MySQL you also need to create the sequelize test database:
$ echo "CREATE DATABASE sequelize_test;" | mysql -uroot
CLEVER NOTE: your local MySQL install must be with username root
without password. If you want to customize that just hack in the
tests, but make sure to don't commit your credentials, we don't want
to expose your personal data in sequelize codebase ;)
AND ONE LAST THING: Sequelize also supports SQLite. So this should be working on your machine as well :)
Just "cd" into sequelize directory and run npm install
, see an example below:
$ cd path/to/sequelize
$ npm install
In order to run the tests you got to run jasmine-node
against the spec
By the way, there is where
you will write new tests if that's the case.
All you need is to run ./node_modules/.bin/jasmine-node spec/
although this is kinda long and boring, so we configures a NPM task
and made that less laborious to you :)
$ npm test
Just commit and send pull requests.
Happy hacking and thank you for contributing
The automated tests we talk about just so much are running on Travis public CI, here is its status: