It is custom plugin, which can get settings from json files, included via composer.json. Plugin correctly works with wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin. You can storage your settings in included non-tracked file, for example.
In additional, composer-extra-plugin can be used for automatisation long commads, like docker-compose.
composer require vladitot/composer-extra-plugin
If you just deployed project, which contains this plugin for managing docker, and cant start it without plugin, it is recommended to do:
composer install --ignore-platofrm-reqs
instead of
composer install
Plugin will be installed and then you can use it correctly.
Like this:
"extra": {
"remote_host": "",
"remote_port": "9001",
"remote_mode": "req",
"remote_handler": "dbgp",
"idekey": ""
"sshkey": {
"sshKeyPath": "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
Then you can get params like this:
composer extra-get "sshkey-sshKeyPath"
composer extra-get "sshkey"
####What about commands? Use this
"extra": {
"sshkey": {
"sshKeyPath": "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
"extracommands": {
"@7%": "cd laradock",
"@8%": "cd ../",
"@9%": "echo Building... && docker-compose build workspace php-fpm nginx laravel-horizon",
"up": "@7% && @9% && docker-compose up -d workspace laravel-horizon nginx redis memcached portainer redis-commander selenoid selenoid-ui && @8%",
"restart-all": "@7% && docker-compose restart workspace nginx redis memcached portainer laravel-horizon selenoid selenoid-ui redis-commander && @8%",
"restart": "@7% && docker-compose restart @params% && @8%",
Then you can use it like this:
composer runt up
composer runt down
on your host machine, and it will run command, as alias.
In additional, you can get settings from json inside your application. Use class \ExtraPlugin\StaticHelper for this
Put in your ~/.bashrc:
function runt () {
A="composer runt \"$1\" \"${@:2}\""
bash -c "$A"
Then you will allow to use (instead of composer runt artisan):
runt artisan
By the way, with this lifehack you will able to use additional params for command under "runt".
runt artisan --help
It will show artisan help instead of composer help