Tags: vladip1/nginx-vod-module
1.28 add the ability to set a source type per source live-hls: fix webvtt caption sync hls: support flac audio codec hls: support CLOSED-CAPTIONS in master manifest hls: add vod_hls_mpegts_align_pts flag fix av1 codec name support unknown language codes in mapping json add persistent proxy conf add prefetcher proxy conf status: support prometheus format
1.25 add vod_force_sequence_index directive json parser - support \uxxxx increase the max sequence ids to 4 add additional language codes hls - output the sequence id in the id3 json hls - avoid returning LANGUAGE for non multi audio encryption-at-rest thumbnail fix fix compilation without openssl/libavfilter fix unmuxed hls with multi video codecs
1.24 - support ffmpeg 4 - support iconv 1.15 - mp4 cenc - encrypt only vcl nal units - playlist php sample - refactor live logic - hls - add VIDEO-RANGE attribute to master m3u8 - support utf16be encoded srt - support track selection in progressive download - support senc atom under trak - support ARM architecture - add ability to pass thumb offsets relative to start time
1.23 - support nginx 1.13.10+ - HLS - support SAMPLE-AES-CENC - HLS - add support for DTS audio codec - MSS - add Language attribute to StreamIndex - SRT - clamp negative timestamps to zero - SRT - ignore spaces before the first cue - add vod_hls_output_iframes_playlist - add vod_media_set_override_json - $vod_segment_duration - make the calculation more accurate - $vod_suburi - support use within alias/root directives - optimization - explicitly release cache entries - optimization - stop generating output when reaching range end - conf templates improvements