Tips and tricks how to use Whatsminer M20 H3 (CB2-V4) control board with generic Linux (Armbian)
Board have 2 I2C ports, analog audio output (need to solder wires), 4 UARTS (1 for console, other not tested yet), and 1 USB host. So we can load Armbian from MicroSD card and play music, control external I2C, UART devices. Board have 4 cores CPU Allwinner H3, 256 Mb RAM, 256 Mb NAND (?). Not very powerful, but now it can be cost for few $.
- Download Armbian image for Orange Pi PC Plus (maybe other will work too, but I don't want waste so much time for this)
- Write it to card (BalenaEtcher, dd, etc)
- Insert card in board, power on device
- Now you can search device in your LAN and connect via SSH or connect directly to board via console UART pins
- After creating users, entering password and other, install and run armbian-config
- In armbian-config go to system->hardware and select: analog audio, i2c0, i2c1, i2c2, usbhost0,1,2,3
- 3 pin connector (line PC Fan connector) have address i2c2
- 3 connectors to hash boards have same I2C bus with address i2c0
- 4 holes near Flash - USB
- 2 small circles near CPU bottom - analog audio
Hash connectors pinout