Overview of the Issue
We deprecated the vitess/lite
image for the mysqld
container in v19.0.0
. However, we later realised that the official mysql
image lacks the mysqlbinlog
binary, leading to failures when running incremental backup with the mysqld
container on an official or unofficial MySQL image. After attempting to solve the issue, in v20.0.0
, the decision was made to retain the mysqld
binary in the vitess/lite
image while we look for a stronger alternative, but the following steps were overlooked:
- Mentioning the
issue in the v19.0.0 release notes. - Updating the getting started guide (v19 and v20) to use
for themysqld
As of now, for users employing an official or unofficial MySQL images for the mysqld container and wanting to use incremental backups, it is recommended to use vitess/lite:v20.0.0
or another appropriate tag.
Reproduction Steps
Reproduce the error
- Follow the guide
- Follow the guide
- Follow the guide
- Change the
file to include:- A higher memory limit/reserved for
is good) - The backup location as shown below:
- A higher memory limit/reserved for
engine: xtrabackup
- volume:
path: /tmp
type: Directory
- Take an initial backup:
vtctldclient BackupShard commerce/-
- Insert more rows:
$ mysql
Your MySQL connection id is 52
Server version: 8.0.30-Vitess Version: 20.0.0 (Git revision 8aeb274f6c8eeb1d0e80e17ab6b0ab10a01f60dc branch 'HEAD') built on Thu Jun 27 05:04:18 UTC 2024 by vitess@buildkitsandbox using go1.22.4 linux/amd64
Copyright (c) 2000, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> use commerce;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> insert into product(sku, description, price) values ("test", "toto", 10);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> exit
- Take an incremental backup:
vtctldclient BackupShard --incremental-from-pos=auto commerce/-
- See the output:
commerce/- (zone1-2469782763): time:{seconds:1719505831 nanoseconds:910131961} file:"backup.go" line:152 value:"Starting backup 2024-06-27.163031.zone1-2469782763"
commerce/- (zone1-2469782763): time:{seconds:1719505831 nanoseconds:911110503} file:"builtinbackupengine.go" line:215 value:"Executing Backup at 2024-06-27 16:30:31.908396961 +0000 UTC m=+23.944406844 for keyspace/shard commerce/- on tablet zone1-2469782763, concurrency: 4, compress: true, incrementalFromPos: auto"
commerce/- (zone1-2469782763): time:{seconds:1719505831 nanoseconds:912518795} file:"builtinbackupengine.go" line:255 value:"auto evaluating incremental_from_pos"
commerce/- (zone1-2469782763): time:{seconds:1719505831 nanoseconds:915694545} file:"builtinbackupengine.go" line:262 value:"auto evaluated incremental_from_pos: MySQL56/9fa187c3-34a0-11ef-9a9f-6e3944149d19:1-41,a04f553d-34a0-11ef-9a7b-b201b4fa8fbc:1-31"
commerce/- (zone1-2469782763): time:{seconds:1719505831 nanoseconds:951089878} level:ERROR file:"backup.go" line:178 value:"backup is not usable, aborting it: [rpc error: code = Unknown desc = mysqlbinlog not found in any of /usr/{sbin,bin,libexec,scripts}\nreading timestamps from binlog files [vt-2469782763-bin.000004 vt-2469782763-bin.000005]]"
E0627 10:30:31.954715 27825 main.go:56] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = TabletManager.Backup on zone1-2469782763: reading timestamps from binlog files [vt-2469782763-bin.000004 vt-2469782763-bin.000005]: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = mysqlbinlog not found in any of /usr/{sbin,bin,libexec,scripts}
Reproduce the normal behavior
If you start again, and on step four you also modify the mysql80Compatible
field to use the vitess/lite:v20.0.0
image, continue with the other steps, the last step will succeed.
Binary Version
Vitess `>= v19.0.0`, and `>= 19.0` documentation.
Operating System and Environment details
Log Fragments
No response