Good day,
I'm definitly confused on how to get this module to do anything at all.
Recently installed with yarn add @vite-pwa/nuxt -D
i got "@vite-pwa/nuxt": "^0.6.0"
Added the module to the config:
modules: [
Then i tried looking at what's $pwa value: {{ $pwa }}
"isInstalled": false,
"isPWAInstalled": false,
"showInstallPrompt": false,
"swActivated": false,
"registrationError": false,
"offlineReady": false,
"needRefresh": false
So it's no undefined - the thing is here - but it does not do anything so far.
Looking in dev tools, no worker generated so far.
Added <NuxtPwaManifest />
to app.vue
no manifest to be seen.
Called nuxtApp.$pwa.install()
does nothing. Not even an error or log in console.
Whether i'm running https or http : just the same.
About the commands described in the example section :
nr dev:preview:build: Nuxt build command + start server
nr dev:preview:generate: Nuxt generate command + start server
Never seen or heard about that 'nr' command since working with og nuxt in alpha phase :(
I know about build
and preview
commands, which i tried but got no hint of a pwa working as well.
Sorry but, what does it take to get the module to perform something please ?
Thanks a lot.