This respository contains the files of Ubot Line Follower project workspace. The src
folder contains a package miniproj
which has all urdf files, algorithm for the UBot telepresence robot by Crobot Technologies Private Limited ( and the same was submitted for my miniproject during my undergraduate study at SASTRA Deemed University (
The project is built on ROS 1 Noetic Ninjemys with codes in Python, Gazebo Classic and OpenCV. The project structure looks like:
|-- build
|-- devel
|-- src
|-- miniproj
|-- description
|-- crobot.urdf.xacro
|-- crobot_camera.xacro
|-- crobot_crontrol.xacro
|-- crobot_core.xacro
|-- inertia.xacro
|-- launch
|-- miniproj_custom_world.launch
|-- models
|-- crobot_test_space
|-- model.config
|-- model.sdf
|-- src
|-- worlds
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- package.xml
|-- CMakeLists.txt
If you are cloning this repository, make sure to remove
folders and runcatkin make
in the workspace folder.