Sample to demonstrate simple COG actions
A Java object representation of the Open Graph protocol for a web page
virtapay1 / csv2json
Forked from darwin/csv2jsonA gem useful for converting CSV files to JSON from command-line
virtapay1 / egit-github
Forked from fsteeg/egit-githubEclipse Git Team Provider (EGit) project repository (egit-github)
virtapay1 / metacpan-web
Forked from metacpan/metacpan-webWeb interface for MetaCPAN
virtapay1 / opengraph
Forked from jonbaer/opengraphA Ruby wrapper for the Open Graph protocol.
Facebook SDK for Android
Facebook SDK for iOS
Learn how to use PayPal Express API in your Rails app.
virtapay1 / paypal-express
Forked from nov/paypal-expressRugy Gem for PayPal Express Checkout API
virtapay1 / iban-tools
Forked from iulianu/iban-toolsValidate IBAN numbers
virtapay1 / bank_card
Forked from alovak/bank_cardCredit card validations and useful methods
virtapay1 / paypal
Forked from dwilkie/paypalAnother ruby wrapper for Paypal
virtapay1 / paypal_adaptive
Forked from tc/paypal_adaptiveLight wrapper for Paypal's Adaptive Payment API
virtapay1 / rubygems-mirror
Forked from rubygems/rubygems-mirrorThe `gem mirror` RubyGems command, creates local mirrors of all gems from a remote gem source.
virtapay1 / contribute
Forked from rubygems/contributeOne site to show all related RubyGems ecosystem projects and help developers get involved
virtapay1 / jeweler
Forked from technicalpickles/jewelerOpinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects
virtapay1 / geminabox
Forked from geminabox/geminaboxReally simple rubygem hosting
GitHub API documentation
virtapay1 /
Forked from rubygems/rubygems.orgThe Ruby community's gem hosting service.
virtapay1 / kanban
Forked from dynamix/kanbanSimple KanBan tool with a slick UI (in progress)
virtapay1 / money
Forked from liquidm/moneyLibrary for dealing with money and currency conversion
virtapay1 / preference_fu
Forked from liquidm/preference_fuAllows the storage of a number of boolean fields with just one table column
virtapay1 / redmine
Forked from edavis10/redmineRedmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. is the official git mirror of the svn repository
madvertise SDK for iPhone / iPod / iPad
Project website , key word: Digital delivery, Virtual Curency, Virtapay, work from home