Stack overflow error by Boogie when verifying this code:
field f: Ref
field g: Ref
method multi_nested_6_0(x: Ref) {
inhale acc(x.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g, 1/1000000)
inhale x.g.f == x.f.g
inhale acc(x.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.g, 1/1000000)
inhale x.g.g.f == x.f.g.g
inhale x.f.g.f == x.f.f.g
inhale acc(x.g.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.g.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.g, 1/1000000)
inhale x.g.g.g.f == x.f.g.g.g
inhale x.f.g.g.f == x.f.f.g.g
inhale x.f.f.g.f == x.f.f.f.g
inhale acc(x.g.g.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.g.g.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.f.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.f.g, 1/1000000)
inhale x.g.g.g.g.f == x.f.g.g.g.g
inhale x.f.g.g.g.f == x.f.f.g.g.g
inhale x.f.f.g.g.f == x.f.f.f.g.g
inhale x.f.f.f.g.f == x.f.f.f.f.g
inhale acc(x.g.g.g.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.g.g.g.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.g.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.g.g.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.g.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.g.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.g.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.g.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.f.g.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.f.g.g, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.f.f.f, 1/1000000)
inhale acc(x.f.f.f.f.f.g, 1/1000000)
inhale x.g.g.g.g.g.f == x.f.g.g.g.g.g
inhale x.f.g.g.g.g.f == x.f.f.g.g.g.g
inhale x.f.f.g.g.g.f == x.f.f.f.g.g.g
inhale x.f.f.f.g.g.f == x.f.f.f.f.g.g
inhale x.f.f.f.f.g.f == x.f.f.f.f.f.g
The received error message is:
An internal error occurred. Found an unparsable output from Boogie: Stack overflow. (<no position>)
The Viper code is generated by this Python script:
import random, sys
denom = 1000000
def multi_nested(layers, tests, file):
file.write('field f: Ref\n')
file.write('field g: Ref\n')
file.write(f'method multi_nested_{layers}_{tests}(x: Ref) {{\n')
for depth in range(layers):
for f in range(depth + 1):
g = depth - f
file.write(f'\tinhale acc(x{'.f' * f}{'.g' * g}.f, 1/{denom})\n')
file.write(f'\tinhale acc(x{'.f' * f}{'.g' * g}.g, 1/{denom})\n')
for f in range(1, depth + 1):
g = depth + 1 - f
file.write(f'\tinhale x{'.f' * (f - 1)}{'.g' * g}.f == x{'.f' * f}{'.g' * (g - 1)}.g\n')
for _ in range(tests):
suffixes = [random.choice(['f', 'g']) for _ in range(layers)]
lhs = 'x' + ''.join('.' + s for s in suffixes)
rhs = 'x' + ''.join('.' + s for s in suffixes)
file.write(f'\tassert {lhs} == {rhs}\n')
multi_nested(6, 0, sys.stdout)
No labels