![latex logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/latex/latex.png)
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划时代的字体切割工具,CJK与任何字符!支持 otf、ttf、woff2 字体多线程切割,完美地细颗粒度地进行包大小控制。A revolutionary font subetter that supports CJK and any characters! It enables multi-threaded subset of otf, ttf, and woff2 fonts, allow…
PlayStation 4 emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS written in C++
A block-style editor with clean JSON output
Create badass, fluid and smooth transitions between your website’s pages
🍀 HuLa is a desktop instant messaging app built on Tauri+Vue3 (not just instant messaging)
#主页 #引导页 ⭐️多模式个人主页展示页,🌈带pwa模式,多组件效果,可随时切换的引导页🎉 添加右键弹出菜单,RSS动态文章卡片,视频播放📫ADS广告位
A pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons. SVG, Sketch, Web Font and Animations support.
Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance.
The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
A gallery of hand-drawn arrows and other design resources as SVGs that can be easily copied as SVG code or React components for use in your projects.
There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE(pronounced [ə‘fain]) is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable an…
🪞 Instant AI Face Swap, Hairstyles & Outfits — One click to a brand new you! 一键 AI 换脸、发型、穿搭,发现更美的你
relation-graph is a relationship graph display component that supports Vue2, Vue3, React. Allowing you to fully customize the graphical elements using HTML/CSS and Vue or React components through s…
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place
An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
中文网字计划 (Chinese Webfont Project) 是一个免费的中文 web 字体库,支持在线加载及查看字体信息。Explore our free CJK web font library that enables online loading and font information viewing.
The reinforcement learning training code for AgiBot X1.
No-build MVVM front-end framework, Progressive micro front-end framework.
日历、公历(阳历)、农历(阴历、老黄历)、佛历、道历,支持节假日、星座、儒略日、干支、生肖、节气、节日、彭祖百忌、每日宜忌、吉神宜趋凶煞宜忌、吉神(喜神/福神/财神/阳贵神/阴贵神)方位、胎神方位、冲煞、纳音、星宿、八字、五行、十神、建除十二值星、青龙名堂等十二神、黄道黑道日及吉凶等。lunar is a calendar library for Solar and Chinese Lunar.
chenjia404 / ipfs-telegra.ph
Forked from alexstep/ipfs-telegra.phtelegra.ph clone in IPFS
Mtab书签导航程序 - 免费无广告的浏览器书签助手,多端同步、美观易用的在 线导航和书签工具,自主研发免费使用,帮助您高效管理 网页和应用,提升在线体验。