This is a sample project by using mediation Mopub include Ad-Network Vungle.
This project may help to reproduce issues and narrow down the root cause.
Download the Adapter Due to Vungle SDK Adapter is not on maven, you have to download the adapter and copy to the project's libs folder.
Input your ad unit ids
Create a file adunits.xml under the folder inlucde the content below with your MoPub ids:
<resources> <string name="ad_unit_id">Your_ad_unit_id</string> <string name="interstitial_placement_id">Your_interstitial_placement_id</string> <string name="reward_placement_id">Your_reward_placement_id</string> <string name="mrec_placement_id">Your_mrec_placement_id</string> <string name="banner_placement_id">Your_banner_placement_id</string> </resources>
Mopub: 5.13.0
Vungle + Adapter: 6.7.0 +