A Lead with expertise in ReactJS, NodeJS, PHP and React Native and Web3(specifically Rust and Solidity). Currently exploring new opportunities in KaiOS + Web3 environment. Founded QuadB Technologies, a technical service provider firm, where we are now focused on building decentralized products for next generation to use. I have been an active Speaker and Blockchain Educator for various prestigious colleges in India including different IIT's and NIT's through MiningDevs.
- ⚙️ Focusing On KaiOS Applications and its scope in Web3 through KaiFoundry working specifically on first crypto wallet for KaiOS mobile phones
- 🌱 MiningDevs - A platform to educate masses on Blockchain Ecosystem
- 🔭 Ethereum Smart Contracts Development
- 🌱 Bricks Protocol - A No Loss Trading Platform (Yes You heard right)
- 🌱 Also Sharpening my skills in network security and cryptography
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Web3 and/or React Native projects
- 💬 I'm mostly active within the Ethereum, Bitcoin, AAVE and Monero communities
- GitHub: github.com/vinayakkalra
- LinkedIn: inkedin.com/in/vinayak-kalra-b40910105/
- E-mail: vinayak.kalra@quadbtech.com