Python script made to monitor JVM keystore cert dates for Zabbix. Only basic Python modules and zabbix_sender used.
NB! This script has been currently written for and tested with python2.7, but it should work with python3 also!
- Script scans keystore for cert aliases.
- Finds per alias cert dates for "valid from" and "valid until".
- Generates json string from found aliases (for zabbix discovery).
- Sends discovery (json string) to zabbix to create all item prototypes (zabbix_sender used).
- Updates created discovery items with unix timestamp values (zabbix_sender used).
Currently script only logs to stdout. config.json is required and file paths there should be configured before running script.
To simulate empty password for keystore (-storepass "") write "None" as keystore_pass value in config. Leaving password empty in config ("") will not add -storepass to keytool execute.
run from linux command line:
python zabbix_discovery -k /path/to/keystore -c /path/to/config.json
crontab entry example:
# monitor keystore certs with zabbix_sender (every morning @ 06:15) 15 06 * * * /usr/bin/python /data/scripts/ -k /data/tomcat/keystore.jks -c /data/scripts/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1
Create new template
Zabbix -> Configuration -> Templates -> "Create template"
Name: "JVM keystore"
Create discovery rule for template
Zabbix -> Template "JVM keystore" -> Create discovery rule
Name: keystore discovery Type: Zabbix trapper Key: jvm.keystore.discovery Keep lost resources period (in days): 30 Enabled [x]
Create item prototypes
Template "JVM keystore" -> Discovery rules -> Item Prototypes -> create item prototype
Cert "valid from" item prototype:
Name: Cert: "{#KEYALIAS}" start date Type: Zabbix trapper Key: jvm.keystore.startdate[{#KEYALIAS}] Type of information: Numeric (unsigned) Data type: Decimal Units: unixtime Show value: As is Application: JVM_KEYSTORE Create enabled [x] Discover [x]
Cert "valid until" item prototype:
Name: Cert: "{#KEYALIAS}" end date Type: Zabbix trapper Key: jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}] Type of information: Numeric (unsigned) Data type: Decimal Units: unixtime Show value: As is Application: JVM_KEYSTORE Create enabled [x] Discover [x]
Create trigger prototypes (customize for your need)
Trigger: "[warning] No data received for item in 3 days":
Name: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" no data received for item in last 3 days! Expression: {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].nodata(3d)}=1 Severity: Warning Create enabled: [x] Discovery: [x]
Trigger: "[high] Cert start date in future":
Name: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" start date in future! Start date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} Expression: {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.startdate[{#KEYALIAS}].last()} - {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.startdate[{#KEYALIAS}].now()}>1s Severity: High Create enabled: [x] Discovery: [x]
Trigger: "[high] Cert expired":
Name: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" is expired! Expiry date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} Expression: {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].now()} - {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].last()}>1s Severity: High Create enabled: [x] Discovery: [x]
Trigger: "[average] Cert will expire in 7 days":
Name: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" will expire in 7 days! Expiry date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} Expression: {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].last()} - {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].now()}<7d Severity: Average Create enabled: [x] Discovery: [x]
Trigger depends on: "[high] Cert expired":
Dependencies -> Add prototype: JVM keystore: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" is expired! Expiry date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE}
Trigger: "[warning] Cert will expire in 30 days":
Name: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" will expire in 30 days! Expiry date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} Expression: {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].last()} - {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].now()}<30d Severity: Warning Create enabled: [x] Discovery: [x]
Trigger depends on: "[average] Cert will expire in 7 days":
Dependencies -> Add prototype: JVM keystore: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" will expire in 7 days! Expiry date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE}
Trigger: "[info] Cert will expire in 60 days":
Name: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" will expire in 60 days! Expiry date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} Expression: {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].last()} - {JVM keystore:jvm.keystore.enddate[{#KEYALIAS}].now()}<60d Severity: Information Create enabled: [x] Discovery: [x]
Trigger depends on: "[warning] Cert will expire in 30 days":
Dependencies -> Add prototype: JVM keystore: Keystore cert "{#KEYALIAS}" will expire in 30 days! Expiry date: {ITEM.LASTVALUE}
Start using template :)