This project utilizes an API to retrieve and display random user information. When a user hovers over the icons, the user's information is displayed on the screen. To achieve this, a function was created to fetch data using the fetch method. The data is of type object, and a state is established to handle this data.
const getUser = () => {
try {
.then((res) => {
throw new Error("Something went wrong")
return res.json()
.then((data) => setUser(data.results[0]));
} catch (error) {
Additionally, a loading GIF is incorporated to inform the user during page loading.
The info state is responsible for holding the icon data, including the data-label and name. This information is dynamically written to the DOM.
const handleIcon = (personInfo) => {
onMouseEnter={(e) => handleIcon(}
To add user information, users can click the "Add" button. For this purpose, another state is created to store information in an array. The information is then saved to the local storage. If the local storage is not empty, a list is retrieved from it, and the additional section is updated accordingly.
const addUserToList = () => {
if (user) {
if (!addUserList.includes(user)) {
setAddUserList([...addUserList, user]);
To handle the case of adding the same user again, react-toastify has been integrated. Upon attempting to add an existing user, a toast message is triggered, providing informative feedback to the user.
const notify=()=>toast.warn('You cannot add twice!', { position: "top-right", autoClose: 3000,hideProgressBar: false,closeOnClick: true,pauseOnHover: true,draggable: true,progress: undefined,theme: "colored",});
To view new user information, users can click the "New User" button. This button triggers the getUser function, fetching and displaying new user information.
<button className="btn" type="button" onClick={getUser}>new user</button>