Code for a Decision trasnformers for the enviromnents of the minerl competition based on the official decision transformers codebase.
Install the minerl requirements and then install the required python libraries whith:
pip install -r requirements.text
To train a decision transfomer model whith the default config run:
To test the model on the mineRl enviroment run:
To train a vq_vae model use:
Apart from the basic configuration you can use diferet optional arguments listed below:
usage: [-h] [--mode MODE] [--max_iters MAX_ITERS] [--num_steps_per_iter NUM_STEPS_PER_ITER]
[--num_validation_iters NUM_VALIDATION_ITERS] [--device DEVICE]
[--log_to_wandb LOG_TO_WANDB] [--group_name GROUP_NAME]
[--use_checkpoint USE_CHECKPOINT] [--model_name MODEL_NAME] [--env ENV]
[--vectorize_actions VECTORIZE_ACTIONS] [--visualize VISUALIZE] [--record RECORD]
[--max_ep_len MAX_EP_LEN] [--max_ep_len_dataset MAX_EP_LEN_DATASET] [--dataset DATASET]
[--dataset_validation DATASET_VALIDATION] [--buffer_target_size BUFFER_TARGET_SIZE]
[--buffer_target_size_validation BUFFER_TARGET_SIZE_VALIDATION]
[--store_rewards2go STORE_REWARDS2GO] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--dropout DROPOUT]
[--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
[--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS] [--num_eval_episodes NUM_EVAL_EPISODES]
[--validation_steps VALIDATION_STEPS]
[--validation_trajectories VALIDATION_TRAJECTORIES]
[--target_rewards TARGET_REWARDS [TARGET_REWARDS ...]] [--embed_dim EMBED_DIM]
[--n_layer N_LAYER] [--n_head N_HEAD] [--K K] [--pov_encoder {linear,cnn,vq_vae}]
[--state_vector STATE_VECTOR] [--activation_function ACTIVATION_FUNCTION]
[--vae_model VAE_MODEL] [--vae_embedings VAE_EMBEDINGS]
[--vae_embedding_dim VAE_EMBEDDING_DIM] [--kmeans_actions KMEANS_ACTIONS]
[--kmeans_action_centroids KMEANS_ACTION_CENTROIDS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mode MODE
--max_iters MAX_ITERS Number of iterations to execute during training
--num_steps_per_iter NUM_STEPS_PER_ITER Number of batches in an iteration
--num_validation_iters NUM_VALIDATION_ITERS Number of validation iterantions before running minecraft
--device DEVICE Device we train on read pytorch documentation for more info
--log_to_wandb LOG_TO_WANDB, -w LOG_TO_WANDB logging on weight and biases, requires weight and biases account
--group_name GROUP_NAME, -g GROUP_NAME wandb group name
--use_checkpoint USE_CHECKPOINT If true saves the model each iteration
--model_name MODEL_NAME Name of the model used in the checkpoint file and in wandb
--env ENV MineRl enviroment the model will be evaluated in
--vectorize_actions VECTORIZE_ACTIONS Necesary to train and evaluate on Basalt envs and datasets
--visualize VISUALIZE MineRl enviroment the model will be evaluated in
--record RECORD records video, currently only working correctly on evaluate_model
--max_ep_len MAX_EP_LEN max lenght of an evaluation episode in frames
--max_ep_len_dataset MAX_EP_LEN_DATASET Maximun lenght of a trajectory in the dataset in frames,affects temporal encoder
--dataset DATASET Dataset used for training
--dataset_validation DATASET_VALIDATION Dataset used for validation
--buffer_target_size BUFFER_TARGET_SIZE size of the buffer used for loading from the training dataset
--buffer_target_size_validation BUFFER_TARGET_SIZE_VALIDATION size of the buffer used for loading from the validation dataset
--store_rewards2go STORE_REWARDS2GO stores calculated reward to go on ram
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--dropout DROPOUT
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE, -lr LEARNING_RATE
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY, -wd WEIGHT_DECAY
--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS
--num_eval_episodes NUM_EVAL_EPISODES
--validation_steps VALIDATION_STEPS
--validation_trajectories VALIDATION_TRAJECTORIES
--target_rewards TARGET_REWARDS [TARGET_REWARDS ...]
--embed_dim EMBED_DIM dimension of the mbedding of each token
--n_layer N_LAYER number of layers of the transformer model
--n_head N_HEAD number of attention heads of the transformer model
--K K context window of the model in frames actual size in tokens is x3 or x4 depending on whether you use state tokens
--pov_encoder {linear,cnn,vq_vae}
--state_vector STATE_VECTOR if true adds encoder for state vector to the model
--activation_function ACTIVATION_FUNCTION
--vae_model VAE_MODEL
--vae_embedings VAE_EMBEDINGS
--vae_embedding_dim VAE_EMBEDDING_DIM
--kmeans_actions KMEANS_ACTIONS if true runs kmeans the actions to discretize the action space
--kmeans_action_centroids KMEANS_ACTION_CENTROIDS number of action centroids on the if kmeans actions is used