The application works like a vampire, sucking glucose data from the permanent notifications that apps have to show the patient their data.
It will only work with apps that have this notification and update it regularly with the glucose value.
So, what can it do?
Read glucose from notifications and share it with anyone through internal WebServer, BroadCast to another apps, Health Connect and ContentProvider. Optionally you can write all information in Google Health Connect.
Based on the great xDrip+ project without which, vampire would not exist.
App needs special permission to read your notifications, you can inspect the code for your safety and peace of mind.
Go to Settings -> Accessibility -> Notifications and allow vampire to access your notifications, allow all Go to Settings -> Batery -> Select vampire, Battery Saving and select No Restrictions
From xDrip+
Declare something similar in your AndroidManifest
<receiver android:name=".receivers.VampireReceiver"
<action android:name="xyz.bauber.vampire.SEND_GLUCOSE" />
Create your BroadCast Receiver
class VampireReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
val bundle = intent.extras
val units = bundle?.getString("units")
val glucose = bundle?.getFloat("glucose")
val time = bundle?.getLong("timestamp")
val trend = bundle?.getString("trend")
val source = bundle?.getString("source")
Remember to write destination PackageName
Currently under development but works, only a few things need to be finished about permissions
Take a look at Health Connect API
Surely, this is the easiest way to access the data, all the data read is stored in a table and made available to any app through a web server with only 2 endpoints to retrieve the information.
Open http://localhost:5566/glucoses from your app to read last 24 hours of glucoses
Open http://localhost:5566/glucose from your app to read last glucose value
All data are returned in JSON:
Code needs to be improved and unused parts removed
It would be very interesting if someone can test with FreeStyleLibre, right now I don't have any sensor to test, the package name would be, I add it to VampireCollector code
Sometimes the service stops and does not continue to collect data. If anyone knows how to fix this, open an issue or make a pull request.
SocialDiabetes App working with Vampire in real-time via Intent BroadCast
Of course, contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
If you have a suggestion that would make Vampire better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
Icon ->
WebServer -> NanoHTTPD
Again kudos to awesome xDrip+ Team and all people fighting against diabetes.
And don't forget to star ☆, fork and contribute!