This project is part of Odin Project JavaScript path assignment. This is how I solve this assignment.
- Your ‘todos’ are going to be objects that you’ll want to dynamically create, which means either using factories or constructors/classes to generate them.
- This was made by doing two classes one for Project and another for Task as shown here:
class Project { constructor(name) { this.projectName = name; this.tasks = []; }
class Task { constructor(title, description, dueDate, priority) { this.taskTitle = title; this.taskDesc = description; this.taskDate = dueDate; this.taskPriority = priority; this.checked = false; } }
- Brainstorm what kind of properties your todo-items are going to have. At a minimum they should have a title, description, dueDate and priority. You might also want to include notes or even a checklist.
- It was made by making the two classes and the object ends as an array of objects with this format to be handled by local storage:
[ { projectName: string, tasks: [ { taskTitle: string, description: string, dueDate: string, checked: boolean } ] } ]
- Your todo list should have projects or separate lists of todos. When a user first opens the app, there should be some sort of ‘default’ project to which all of their todos are put. Users should be able to create new projects and choose which project their todos go into.
- The entry point for the code is
contained in thesrc
folder. - The render of DOM objects are made on
- The entry point for the code is
- You should separate your application logic (i.e. creating new todos, setting todos as complete, changing todo priority etc.) from the DOM-related stuff, so keep all of those things in separate modules.
- The data and constructors are located in
under the name ofconstructor.js
- The event handlers are inside of
includes onclick events of add/remove Project, add/remove task, show modal, show table tabs. - The interface and injection of DOM are handled by files inside
with js files to render projects / tasks or reset UI.
- The data and constructors are located in
- The look of the User Interface is up to you, but it should be able to do the following:
- View all projects
- All Projects are rendered by default. As you select a project it renders each task for a project.
- View all todos in each project (probably just the title and duedate.. perhaps changing color for different priorities)
- All todos tasks are rendered when clicked each project.
- Expand a single todo to see/edit its details
- Added one button for each element to show pop up task with details.
- Delete a todo
- Button delete on each task is supplied and handled by
- Button delete project is global and is handled by
- Use localStorage to save user’s projects and todos between sessions.
- localStorage is used in
to save and retrieve all data needed.
- localStorage is used in
- Since you are probably already using webpack, adding external libraries from npm is a cinch!
- Used webpack with basic configuration.
- Changed output path in order to deploy gh-pages easily.
output: { filename: 'main.js', path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'docs'), }
- Clone git repo
- On terminal Run
npm install
- cd
npm run build
- Build ends on folder
in the html fileindex.html
- Vanilla JS
- Webpack
- FontAwesome
- Please refer here
- Check preview on github pages -> Link
- If you liked this project please thumbs up in the To Do List lesson of Odin Project.