๐ Link management was created using the Laravel 5.8 Framework
HTML5, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Webpack, Yarn, PHP, Laravel Framework, Laravel Eloquent, Laravel Blade, Composer, Redis, PostgreSQL.
- Clone the repo and
into it - Run this command
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
- Run this command
composer install
- Run this command Mac / Linux
bash init.sh
or Windowsinit.bat
- Rename or copy
file to.env
- Set your amazon s3 credentials in your
file - Set your algolia credentials in your
file - Set your pusher credentials in your
file - Run this command
php artisan key:generate
- Run this command
php artisan config:cache
- Run this command
vagrant up
- Run this command
vagrant ssh
- Run this command
cd home/vagrant/code/
- Run this command
php artisan migration
- Run this command
php artisan db:seed
- Run this command
yarn install
- Run this command
yarn run dev
- Visit
in your browser
- Clone the repo and
into it - Create users and table in PostgreSQL
- Run this command
composer install
- Rename or copy
file to.env
- Run this command
php artisan key:generate
- Set your database credentials in your
file - Set your mail credentials in your
file - Set your
in your.env
file - Set your
in your.env
file with the valuetrue
- Set your
in your.env
file with the valuetrue
- Run this command
php artisan config:cache
- Run this command
php artisan db:seed
- Run this command
yarn install
- Run this command
yarn run dev
- Run this command
php artisan serve
or use Laravel Valet or Laravel Homestead - Visit
in your browser
- Clone the repo and
into it - Create users and table in PostgreSQL
- Configure Nginx with these settings
- Run this command
composer install
- Rename or copy
file to.env
- Run this command
php artisan key:generate
- Set your database credentials in your
file - Set your mail credentials in your
file - Set your
in your.env
file - Set your
in your.env
file with the valuefalse
- Set your
in your.env
file with the valuefalse
- Run this command
php artisan config:cache
- Run this command
php artisan db:seed
- Run this command
yarn install
- Run this command
yarn run production
- Clone the repo and
into it - Run this command
heroku create
- Run this command
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/php
- Run this command
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs
- Run this command
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
- Run this command
heroku addons:create "heroku-redis:hobby-dev
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_NAME=Link management
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_ENV=production
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_KEY=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_DEBUG=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set TELESCOPE_ENABLED=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_URL=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set LOG_CHANNEL=errorlog
- Run this command
heroku config:set DB_CONNECTION=pgsql
- Run this command
heroku config:set DB_HOST=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set DB_PORT=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set DB_DATABASE=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set DB_USERNAME=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set DB_PASSWORD=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set BROADCAST_DRIVER=log
- Run this command
heroku config:set CACHE_DRIVER=redis
- Run this command
heroku config:set SESSION_DRIVER=redis
- Run this command
heroku config:set SESSION_LIFETIME=120
- Run this command
heroku config:set QUEUE_DRIVER=sync
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_DRIVER=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_HOST=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_USERNAME=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_PASSWORD=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_ENCRYPTION=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_FROM_NAME=secret
- Run this command
git push heroku master
- Run this command
heroku open
Collision is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.