There is already a library to handle binary data: But this library only supports the JVM platform and is too impure.
The reason I wrote this project is to provide a platform-independent pure binary data basic interface, as well as a set of basic utilities. The binary data implementation can be specified via a dynamic variable (clj-bytes.core.*impl*), and a reasonable default implementation will be provided for different platforms. Currently there are byte-array for JVM and ArrayBuffer for WEB.
I hope this project can help write platform-independent, pure binary data processing logic. And it can be used in conjunction with other binary data related libraries (although no longer platform-independent and pure).
(require '[clj-bytes.core :as b])
(b/make 4) ; make bytes with length of 4
(b/rand 4) ; make random bytes with length of 4
(b/empty) ; make empty bytes
(b/get (b/rand 4) 0) ; get first byte
(b/set! (b/make 4) 0 1) ; set first byte to 1
(b/seq (b/rand 4)) ; convert bytes to seq
(b/of-seq [1 2 3 4]) ; make bytes from seq
(b/sub (b/rand 4) 1 2) ; make sub bytes from 1 to 2
(b/concat (b/rand 1) (b/rand 2) (b/rand 3)) ; concat any num of bytes
(b/str (b/seq [104 101 108 108 111])) ; convert bytes to string
(b/of-str "hello") ; make bytes from string
(b/int (b/seq [0x12 0x34]) :uint16-be) ; convert bytes to integer
(b/of-int 0x1234 :uint16-be) ; make bytes from int
;; pure clojure impl of codec.
;; *Don't rely on them.*
(b/hex (b/seq [0x12 0x34])) ; convert bytes to hex string
(b/of-hex "1234") ; make bytes from hex string
(b/base64 (b/of-str "hello")) ; convert bytes to base64 string
(b/of-base64 "aGVsbG8=") ; make bytes from base64
A demo project that impl socks5 proxy server based on clj-bytes and aleph: clj-bytes-demo-socks5.
make test
.dir-locals.el example:
((clojurescript-mode . ((cider-clojure-cli-global-options . "-A:cljs:cljs-dev"))))